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Atheism=non-religion. Why are atheists in this section then?

No offense to the can see from my other posts that I am open to whatever you believe, as I am a voodoist, and have beliefs that arent' exactly mainstram...nor do I like being labeled.

However, if someone is an atheist, and admits that atheism is not a religion....why are atheists even in the Religion section of Yahoo Answers? It doesn't make sense. If it isn't a religion, why is it in this category?


Read above....I am not Christian. I practice Voodoo. I believe in God and the Saints, but not Jesus as savior.

40 Answers

  • Thinx
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since you are only the 256th person who asks this today, I can understand how you must have missed the other similar questions.

    I'm an Atheist, and I am here for many reasons.

    1) I have a Christian girlfriend and I want to learn more about her religion.

    2) I have lived all my life in Holland, an Atheist country. In Holland all sorts of things are allowed like gay marriage, abortion, euthasia. I see these things as basic human rights. At the same time I see that all these things are far from basic human rights in many other countries, under the pressure of the religious voice.

    3) It is a proven fact that Atheist countries like Sweden, Norway, Holland, etc, etc have better functioning societies than a religious country like the USA. The Atheist countries have lower murder rates, up to 300% lower STD rates just to name a few.

    4) Inspite of the fact that again yesterday 40,000 kids died of starvation and aids, people still claim that God heals diseases. They post video's online with all sorts of 'miracle healings' and claim that as proof of the existence of God. There will be people watching that nonsense and stop their medication. There will be people watching it, stopping their medication and therefore they will die. They will die because they saw this video and based on it they will make a wrong decision. The claim "God heals", kills people. It's as simple as that.

    To put it short: It's needed to educate the religious people how bad organized religion is for this planet. I want a better planet for my future children. That's why I'm here.

  • Snark
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No offense to you, but 1. This question is asked MANY times a day and 2. It's really quite a simple question to answer for yourself if you are really paying attention to what's being said.

    1. Not having a belief or a religion does not mean you do not care about religion and belief.

    2. This section is about religion and spirituality, not for the religious.

    3. Atheists can be spiritual.

    4. Religion affects every last person on this planet, and those who are committed to the good of humanity care about the issues involving religion.

    5. The lives of atheists are often governed with laws that are based in religious belief - from not buying alcohol on Sundays to not being allowed by law to run for office and/or testify in court in seven different states. Political issues are colored by the beliefs of the population as well - the issues of gay marriage, stem cell research, abortion, and so on are often argued from religiosity rather than facts.

    Atheism, btw, does not necessarily mean "non-religion", it means "no belief in god". La Vey Satanism is a religion in which there is no god (Satan is not worshipped or believed in, but is merely a metaphor and a symbol). There are also certain Buddhist traditions that do not require a belief in a god or gods, as well as some other Eastern religions.

  • 1 decade ago

    1st off I am not an athiest. Just answering the question. What is my religion? Noone of anyone's business but my own.

    Having said that.. onto the question.

    There is a flaw in your question.

    Atheism according to Webster's dictionary:

    -a disbelief in the existence of deity

    -the doctrine that there is no deity

    It is the lack of believe in a God. That is a religion.

    Again by Webster's:

    -a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices

    Athiest believe in the non-existance of God. That is thier religion. It is no less valid than the belief in God, Jesus, Buddah, Mohamad, <fill in your favorite diety>

    Now to answer your underlying question. It is because some people come online, just to cause trouble (for fun). Why? Because of immaturity. But the fact remains that controversial questions will be asked just to get a rise out of people.

    Religion, smoking while pregnant, abortion, death penalty. These are all subject that get people riled up. And off these subjects are filled with jokers that fill the threads with loaded questions.

    Why is this a category? So that we can ignore the questions/answers if we so chose... once we see its a religion & spirituality type of question.

    "Atheism=non-religion. Why are atheists in this section then?"

    Remember everyone has a right to thier opinion. Noone said you had to agree with thier opinion though. So they don't believe in God. Isn't that thier loss? If you believe in God, then you know they will rot in hell. ;-P So why should we judge... according to religious minded believe systems.. then God will take care of the aethiests in the after life..

    My point is.. why should we meddle. Let people be who they are.

    Don't like the question or answer of someone... move along to the next question. Don't give the satisfaction of an answer to those who are obviously stirring things up.

  • Dave P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    One could say that atheism requires belief in the non-existence of gods and that this is as unprovable as the belief in the existence of gods. This would make atheism a true religion based on faith as opposed to agnosticism or rationalism which are open to god's existence if and when god demonstrates his existence as part of the knowable, natural world.

    One could also argue that spirituality includes all belief systems, including atheism and agnosticism, and that is why this is termed Religion AND Spirituality as opposed to Religion.

    Still, when all is said and done, I suspect that atheists and agnostics haunt this section because we enjoy a good laugh as much as the next person (and, we suspect, more than many of the overly religious).

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  • 1 decade ago

    Atheism is in the religion section because it is more than just the lack of religion, but it is a religious point of view. Each individual religion, since none can be called right or wrong, is like an opinion of God. Atheism is its own opinion in God, which is that there is no God. It may be on the other side of the spectrum, but Atheism is part of religion nonetheless.

  • 5 years ago

    Atheist right here - and not cruising religous area in any respect! i verify out the recent questions purely once I come right here, and with each and every of the "what colour are my mom's new footwear?" and different such in that vein, i look for those I the two have expertise of or an pastime in. i detect international religions (as properly as different cultural ideals) exciting. Take care.

  • 1 decade ago

    because their "non-religion" instructs, not to accept others, but to destroy them. Many of the so closed Christians in here are also Here to destroy Christianity by acting like it is a religion based on scaring people into believing. There's always someone around trying the ole trojan horse scheme, eh?

    Now there's some funny answers up there..."Ever heard of spirituality?". How smart did you think that response was little boy? Athiests claim there is no spirit world in the first place. I think maybe you should try some of the mental health questions.

    "Because its Religion and Spirituality, not Religion and Christianity" The two of you need to compile your intellect and see if you can look smarter than the average atheist before you come in here.

  • 1 decade ago

    The category is 'Religion & Spirituality' not, believers of religion & spirituality. In any catagory both sides of an issue can be debated. Atheism is the dis-belief in religion. This is a appropriate place.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Atheist=no deity or God.

    Atheism, as practised here, is a religion. Especially when they tell you they have a moral code! Especially when they try and CONVERT you.

    There are Evangelical Atheists.

    The moment you say the word NO, you automatically open the door to YES and MAYBE. Especially if you use science to back you up.

    Science is TOTALLY based on on ACTION (YES) and REACTION (NO). On Postive (YES) and Negative (NO).

    There can be no science without this, for everything would be RANDOM and FOLLOW NO RULES, which is probably why Einstein took on Heisenberg.

    It's an OBVIOUS given that if things ARE, indeed, RANDOM, then how can there be rules! How can there be order!

    It means there can be no predictability.

    RANDOMNESS and PREDICTABILITY are odds with each other.

    Theoritical science is based on predicatbility.

  • 1 decade ago

    So lets say Y/A made a non-believers and or Atheism section.

    Wouldn't Christians come in to say a thing or two about it?

    People there would feel the same way.

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