Is she pregnant?

My girlfriend has a really consistent cycle yet she is 3 days late.

We had sex, but she is on birth control and I used a condom, so the chances are really slim.

I'm just really paranoid, and I am wondering what are other causes of a late period?


- For the person who is dumb enough to comment upon it, obviously I am a guy


Favorite Answer

Girl's cycles can change all the time. She could be consistent to the day for years, then all of a sudden she could be late or early. Our bodies go through this every couple months and years. This happened to me when I was 18. Turned out my cycle just shifted (sorry, tmi).

If she takes the pill correctly and you were careful, everything's probably fine. But since she IS late, she can do a pregnancy test. If you get one that can detect pregnancy early, it would probably be more acurate.

Good Luck with everything!

trying to love2008-06-11T02:42:38Z

A million and one things can cause a period to be late.

Weight fluctuation
Hormonal imbalance

The list goes on and on. Go buy a pregnancy test at grocery store and set your mind at ease.

Good luck either way!!

sana i2008-06-11T02:41:49Z

why dont u wait 4 some time n then go 2 a doctor.

and protection is never 100%. it is always a chance of d girl being pregnanet


do a test it should show now if she is 3 days late!!!1


Stress...Caffeine...just her body being hormonal...Could be a number of things. I am sure there is nothing to be too concerned with if you two are using protection.

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