This is an interesting article on "Freedom of speech" only the US protect hate speech... all other western countries have laws against it.. in your opinion should the US consider an amendment to the 1'st that would ban hate speech.. why or why not?
What is fashionable today may not be fashionable tomorrow. 150 years ago, speaking out against slavery might have been considered "hate speech." Speaking up for Native Americans as well might have been considered "hate speech." The beauty of the First Amendment is that everyone has the right to be heard...and ignored or at least laughed at. Remember how Archie Bunker was considered a buffoon for his racist manner? People just need to grow a thicker skin and realize that God did not grant anyone the right to live their lives without ever being offended.
FREEDOM of speech. Not freedom to say what we tell you is ok to say. Thats a big diffrence. If you dont like whats being said, dont listen, move on, its not that hard of a thing to do. The MORE you add crap to the Constitution or draw up new laws for this, that, and the other. The more freedom's you loose. Just because you dont like it isnt reason to keep some moron who does from doing it. Because then that moron is going to pick something you like and go after that. Then when the tit for tat crap ends there will be laws telling us how to tie our shoes.
NO, leave our amendments alone. If our Politicians "start" changing our amendments, you will soon find they are changing them to their own advantage!!!!
Hate speech?? I guess the term "hate speech" would depend on the intention of that person speaking as such. If everyone just used common courtesy and responsibility for one's own actions and speech, there would be no problem. I don't believe our Government needs to be having more power of we the Citizen. Furthermore, we would slowly LOOSE this Country's freedom of speech.
I want to add, that the Liberals (Democrats) would LOVE nothing less than SHUTTING DOWN CONSERVATIVE TALK RADIO. Conservative talk radio is THE only place where we can hear what REALLY is going on since our major Media is so biased in its' reporting and biased on the facts it reports. That in itself would be a GRAVE INJUSTICE to any person in this Country. LEAVE TALK RADIO ALONE.