Does anyone actually read the whole question?

I have been on here for some time and it cracks me up when I see someone ask a simple question, either for research or simply out of curiosity and everyone jumps on them because the question may not be morally sensative. So my question is does anyone actually read the questions, and the additional details or just jump to conclusions from the first word they see?


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i think most people jump to conclusions.

*♦* Black Rose *♦*2008-06-13T06:42:12Z

Many ppl just jump to conclusions from the first word they see...That's bad! So if some feels bored to read the whole question then better not answer at all.


Most people don't read them. When I ask questions, they either don't listen to what I'm asking, or will completely ignore what information I need.

I try to read everything (Especially since the questions I usually answer are in women's health). If someone is asking a question, I treat it as if they need a great deal of help, because that's what I expect people to do when answering my questions


nicely human beings have been analyzing it in its entirety as a results of fact the Reformation some hundred years in the past so this assertion ignores history in its declare. additionally, all cultures have had issues of particularly some areas of the Bible, that section in ordinary terms differences consistent with what subculture that's on the time. So curiously such as you think of your subculture is bigger than another subculture that exists now or any time in the previous as a results of fact your subject concerns are those that make scripture incorrect.

Proud Mommy2008-06-13T06:42:23Z

I don't know how many questions I've asked and wondered the same thing myself! Some people answer the question and others, well I wonder if they read the question at all!

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