Girl friend too shy?

My girl friend are I are about 18 years old. We have a good relationship, and we have been getting physically intimate recently to the level that she was very comfortable stimulating me to ejaculation a few times. That said, she hesitates to even undress (herself) for me. At most what she has allowed me is to touch her over the under dress. Obviously, I want to get more intimate than that with her, but looks she is too shy, regardless of her freedom on me. What is the best way to handle this?


Favorite Answer

Give her time and do not push the issue. The closer you get to one another she will relax. When the time is right it will all fall into place.


Dude don't be shy thats all think of things that make you confident or you can me shy and lame get it is a choice the more you work on your decision the better and stronger you get if fact it can be so strong that girls will be asking you out you can feel the confidence on some one even if you don't know them is like sales bro just be patient persistance positive mental attitude and passion for what you are doing bro and if is hard to have faith ask god no joke test god he is all good abnd power full Proverbs 21:14 But only the Lord Jehovah can give and understanding wife


It's possible she has serious feelings of guilt about her own body, possibly the result of religious overtones she's been exposed to.

Accept right now that you won't be able to force her to change, or to rush her before she's ready.

So, options:

1. Stick with the status quo, and wait.

2. Drop her and find another woman, see if that works out better for you.

3. Go see strippers once in a blue moon to fill that void, then meet up with her, let her take care of your business while you close your eyes and fantasize.

Sorry if this seems crass, but as long as you list all possibilities, then and only then can you come to terms with "there ain't no magic bananas" to make the impossible happen.


She is probably scared. Like worried what you will think of her naked body. ts quite a big step, for a girl to get over being selfconsious round guys and bear all to them. Give ehr time and try to let her know you are not going to judge her on her body. SHe obviosly does want to do thigns with you because of what she has already dun. Just dont push her and elt things take it cause.

Lord Of Lust2008-06-15T11:51:29Z

She has serious insecurity issues.

First thing you need to do is calm down and do not at all hurry. This is a delicate matter and should be handled with care. What you need to do is start off a really intimate and completely open talk with her. Ask her why she wouldn't let you touch her and that you want to feel her as much as she wants to feel you.

Most prolly she is insecure about showing her naked body to you which might be due to what she thinks is a flaw to her body. So what you need to do is take things slow and make her feel comfortable and put the idea into her that you not there to judge her but to have fun with her.

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