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Does my shy friend (girl) like me?Please help girls?

Okay, this is a long story.

So there's this girl I really like,we're both 17 btw, but i think she's way to good for me cause she's really good looking and i'm kinda average. We're pretty good friends and we share a lot of interests. But i don't get to see her that often as she is my cousins friend. But last week we were having a party and her family were there. There were about 25 people in the room and it was very noisy many times when i looked at her she seemed to be looking at me and would then look away. I'm pretty shy myself and have never really gone out with a girl b4 and she's fairly shy too.

Any answers would b helpful and send me a message if you want more info


I would very much appreciate long answers and can give more info if needed

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, if she was looking at you a lot, then there is a good chance that she likes you. But you can't tell for sure. You have to talk to her more, initiate her in some conversations. There are a couple ways to tell if a girl likes you, although they aren't ALWAYS true:

    1) When you talk to her, she laughs and smiles a lot

    2) She seems to make fun of you a lot.

    3) you catch her looking at you a lot

    And a lot of the time, girls will think the ugliest of people are really cute, so dont worry about looks. (that isnt meant in an offensive way). If you guys are good friends, then just ask to hang out with her sometime, as friends, and then after you hang out as friends a few times, see how you feel about asking her on a real date. hope this helps. good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dude, you have to take action. You will never figure out if she likes you or not unless you make the first move (which is a mans job). The ugliest guy in the world can get a beautiful woman because he is good with his words, knows how to treat a girl, and takes action like a man.

  • 1 decade ago

    A lot of times us girls are not as picky as guys. so average is fine. If shes shy and your shy you will never get a chance, so you should take the first step and write your # on a piece of paper and write "call me sometime,I'd really like to get to know you."

    Plus girls love guys who are brave enough to do that. She will think that is super cute

  • 1 decade ago

    Well personally, i like guys to make the first move. I'm shy, too, so that's mostly why. So you need to make the first move i bet and just tell her you like her. If she seems interested or says "I like you too" or something, ask her to go out. But if she says "Okay" and seems bored wait about four days and ask again. If she still seems bored she either doesn't like you or is playing hard to get. So then wait a week and ask one more time. If she still seems bored she most likely doesn''t like you. and if she seems interested ask her out. But most likely when you tell her you like her the first time she'll either say "i like you too" or just say "I only like you as a friend"

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  • 1 decade ago

    try talking to her.tell ur cousin to hook you guys up or help you out by going out with the girl.and since you do have similar interests it should be easy to come up with a seems that maybe she is interested so dnt let ur chance pass you by.get to know her and keep staring until she say something.

    Source(s): let me know how it works out for u message me more!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    My opinion is she likes you, yes, but YOU need to initiate the relationship, also, 17 and never had a date? wowwww.... if you want ME to go more in depth about my answer contact me

  • 1 decade ago

    I would think she does. She was probs waiting for you to go and say hi to her lol, next time definitely go for it!!

  • 1 decade ago

    go up to her and be like oh u wanna go to the movies or mini golf? and see what she says. get to hang out with her more. i hope this helps! (mayb you'll go out with her!!)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    she might have good feelings towards you

    all the best ^^

    Source(s): experience
  • 1 decade ago

    idk mabey just go ask he out as a friend and let it lead to more if she does it wil if it dont then just remain as friends. =)

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