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  • Where would I find jobs that involve repairing computers?

    I'm finally at that point in life where I'm tired of working a job that builds no experience towards my future career. I want to start working a job that will benefit me in the future. I'm trying to figure out if there are any big companies out there that have computer repair type jobs on desktops and laptops. Kind of like Best Buys Geek Squad but without the profit scamming. I would like to have a job that repairs broken hardware and damaged software. Any leading directions would be really appreciated. College is also my other add-on to the future career thing so no need to explain in that area.


    2 AnswersTechnology8 years ago
  • Is this a type of asthma?

    I have had asthma around the age of twelve. At least that is when I noticed it. When I would undergo any type of cardio I could feel my throat swelling. It wasn't a serious case of asthma but it made it more difficult to play outside. I do know that if I continued playing it would get worse but I wasn't dumb enough to push it that far. As the years went by I was positive my asthma went away. (I think I just got lazier as I grew up, less physical activity and more video games). Now when I perform any kind of activity that requires my cardio to cooperate I feel as if the air I'm breathing isn't filtering through my lungs. I don't get the throat swelling from when I was younger anymore. It always happens too through any type of exercise or fast movement. It's happened when I got up too fast as well. After the cardio activity I have to stop and breathe for several minutes before I feel at ease again. So I'm basically saying the longer I keep up a cardio activity the more I feel like I'm suffocating. I'm not overweight or anything I'm pretty slender. I don't exercise but even when I used to it still happened.

    To conclude this I'm basically saying there is no swelling from my perception but the air I breathe isn't filtering through my lungs. So I can breathe all I want and it doesn't make a difference until I attempt to drop my heart rate.

    Any ideas would be great. Thanks.

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases8 years ago
  • Will a Blood Lab/Clinic report me to the police if I have THC in my system?

    I have to get my blood drawn so they can have a before/after record when I start taking depression medication. I'm not being tested for drug usage but if it was detected could I get into trouble?

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Tips on getting a job?

    I'm a male at the age of 20 with maybe one year of total working experience. I moved to Utah about 1 1/2 years ago. The entire time I've been here I've only worked about two months. The most work experience I've ever had was when I lived in South Carolina. I worked at a grocery store for nine months then moved here. I've applied at every place I thought I would be applicable for. I've even had friends and family that worked in the Corporate part of the company put in a good word for me or have me on a recommended list. I've made several calls, walk ins, and even signed up for a Temp Agency. I've even gotten help from more experienced people in writing a good resume. It seems like everything I do plummets into failure. I can't even come close to getting an interview. It seems like determination and hard work can't make it alone. It just makes me mad when I see other people getting hired only because another family member is working in the same industry they applied for.

    I feel as if the longer I am unemployed the harder it is getting. Which is makes it even more frustrating because all these work places want some type of "experience." How can I get experience if nobody will hire me? O.o

    I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm responsible, respectful, hard working, and even have a spotless record. I'm not trying to boast. I am just going off of what everyone tells me.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • How to limit uploading with Qos Settings Upstream (Actiontec)?

    Here is a picture of what the page looks like.

    All I want to do is limit the upstream to a specific IP. I've been tweaking with it for a while but I haven't seen any changes yet.

    Would the IP Source be the default gateway? ( and the Destination be the specific IP I want to limit? For some reason it won't let me make anything lower then High Priority but I can set the amount of Kbps an IP can have.

    Also should the protocol be set to TCP? Do I need to worry about the port forwarding or leave it as it is?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years ago
  • Can you dedicate 1 out of 5 mbps of your total Internet speed to one computer?

    Instead of adding a whole new line and running up your bill can't you just dedicate a portion of the total mbps to a computer? Meaning there will be 1 mbps reserved for the PC. So if everyone in the household is using up all the mbps the moment the PC requires the mbps it will get it. If it varies on the company what about Qwest?

    2 AnswersComputer Networking9 years ago
  • 1.5MB or 7MB Internet Connection speed for a single computer?

    I'm a PC gamer and I like to have decent connection. The family connection is great except everyone uses it so during the day it is terribly slow for gaming. Would 1.5MB be good enough for one computer? Or would I need to boost up to 7MB?

    Ex games that req Internet connection : World Of Warcraft, Conquer Online, Minecraft, Last Chaos, Starcraft II, Warcraft III.

    3 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • I need to get my abs looking good again for the summer, suggestions?

    I am 139 lbs. and 5'9" age 20, fat percentage 13.9%. I've gotten really lazy the past few months so my Abs basically disappeared. I also developed a small pinch of fat on my lowest Ab region. If I were to pinch it and measure its thickness I'd say about 11/16 of an inch. It gets smaller as you go up. I've got 5 months to work out at the gym before I go on my summer vacation. What are some things or techniques I could do to perfectly sculpt my abs and rid of that small pinch of fat?

    Bonus Question : (The Best Answer will receive five stars if you answer this.)

    I have "six squares" and it seems that 3 and 4 (The middle ones) are much bigger then the top and the bottom. Why is that? I've always tried to target different parts of the abdominals but that is what I got.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Question regarding supplements, any ideas?

    I am 20 years old, I weigh in about 139 lbs, I'm 5'9" and I have a decently high metabolism. My fat percentage is about 13.9%.

    I've just started going to the gym with a very refined workout plan. The only thing I'm missing in knowledge would be the supplements. All I have right now are cans of tuna and protein powder. My main goal is to gain muscle to the point where I'm ripped, or even one step under a body builder. Not like Arnold but I want muscle. What would be some other supplements I could use to help improve my muscle gaining? Perhaps increase the muscle gain, or even speed it up. (No do not say steroids, I'm going to earn my goal like a champ.)

    Random question but is it okay to take fish oil capsules even though I'm starting to work out? I don't see why it would have a major affect but you never know.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • If attacked by a 300 lbs. body builder how would you defend yourself?

    If you had no choice but defend yourself or take a beating of a life time with a 50 lbs. arm going for your face how would you do it?

    I would say

    - Go for the nuts, if he has any.

    - Grab the nearest weapon

    - Aim mainly for the Knee's, if using weapon, or kicking. (If you can disable his ability to move your good to go.)

    - Maybe even a temple shot or a tiger palm to his nose but that is risking killing him.

    19 AnswersMartial Arts9 years ago
  • My computer has gotten a little slower over time?

    A few months ago I reformatted my Desktop because I wanted a fresh start.

    Here are the stats of my PC

    E Machines Desktop

    Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 4000+ 2.60 GHz

    RAM: 2943 MB

    System type: 32-bit Operating System (Windows Vista Home Premium)

    Virus Scanners and other cleaners (I use the virus scanners separately.)

    - Ad-Aware

    - Sybot Search and Destroy

    - Microsoft Security Essentials (Have to reinstall that it stopped working for some reason)

    - CCleaner

    As months went by I noticed a small delay in everything I do. Opening simple folders sometimes has a 1-2 second delay, even closing them is a short delay. It is just enough to cause a slow climbing annoyance. Browsers take longer and once in a while a few times a day everything freezes for up to 5-8 seconds. I've even noticed a problem in gaming. My average Frame rate on high demanding games like World of Warcraft are about 30-60 FPS depending the situation. It has dropped down to 5-30 FPS. I've tried every possible thing I could think of. Several virus scannings, cleaning programs (CCleaner), Disk Defragment, Disk Cleanup. I got my Hard Drive from 40 GB free of 222 GB to 97.3 GB free of 222 GB. I uninstalled programs I don't use anymore. I even checked my processes and there are very little running. I only have 16 running right now some of them are the virus scanner, Windows Update, Firefox, ect.

    Any suggestions of why things are getting slower?

    Whoa actually hold on, my CPU usage is spiking incredibly high. HUGE peaks at 100%, dropping down to 2-5% and back up like a constant rising and falling climax. That could be my problem, but what is causing it and how do I fix it?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers10 years ago
  • What are your opinions on my workout routine?

    I do a lot of research in Exercising and ask a lot of questions. I've probably already made 10 questions on here about the idea. Alright so I've developed a plan for my new workout routine. The final goal is to gain muscle mass but at the same time tone it out. So here is what I have written down.

    The first week will mainly consist of trying to gain mass. So heavy weights with smaller reps. Three sets for each exercise I do at the gym.

    I weigh about 139 lbs. and 5'8" in height, age 20.

    Week 1:

    Monday - Biceps, Shoulders

    Tuesday - Abs, light cardio

    Wednesday - Legs, cardio

    Thursday - Abs, light cardio

    Friday - Triceps, Shoulders, back

    I try to go easy on the cardio so I can still gain muscle mass. Usually its just a 5 minute warm up for cardio, and sometimes 2 miles on the bike machine just for some performance.

    Week 2: Consists of the same schedule but the goal is toning. So I will be mainly using light weights with lots of reps. What I'm worried about is if I am giving my muscle mass to much time to grow. When week 2 is over Week 1 basically starts again.

    So what do you think? Is week 2 necessary? Or should I just keep Week 1? Or do you have a suggestion?


    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Making a last minute Military branch change, what should I do?

    Well my first decision was that I wanted to join the Army to take care of my family and serve my country. I was going to choose a job related to Supply, Commo, or even working on tanks. I've already filled out all my papers with the recruiter all I need to do now is talk about jobs, get married, and enlist. I now have a sudden change in heart and I really want to join the Air Force to work on Helicopters, and air crafts. I kind of feel like an a$$hole because I made my recruiter do all that work and now I'm backing out on him. I know from listening that is one of the things they hate the most. Not that his opinion is more important then the decision for my family but it still seems kind of messed up.

    3 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • What do you call someone that doesn't believe in anything?

    The answer isn't atheist either. Atheist means someone who doesn't believe in any of the deities. I'm talking like doesn't believe in anything. No evolution, reincarnation, 4th dimension, ect. Like when you die you cease to exist.

    Geez I'm getting depressed just from thinking about it, what a sad life. Its like worse then believing in a religion or god lol. Soz I'm trolling :).

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Will the Army help me be stronger?

    I'm the type of person who constantly tries to avoid conflict and over thinks everything. I am 5'8", and slim, age 20. I haven't had much work experience due to nobody will hire me. I've considered this career path for two years now but I just don't know if I can make the cut. I'm afraid I might not be able to keep up or I would slow my team down during boot camp. The first time I took the ASVAB I was 18 and I got a 56 without studying I kinda just dove into that one. I like working with computers and I've always considered my future career to be working with computers.

    Can the military help me strengthen my mentality so I may be fit for a soldier? I just never get the motivation to actually do something about it. That is another one of my problems. I want to be strong physically and mentally. I want to go in a boy and come out a man. Hard to explain get the idea right?

    3 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • 1. What would you call someone that only believes in Archaeology? (Not religion)?

    2. Also, what would you call someone that believed we were genetically engineered by ancient astronauts and were given the technology, culture, and religion to help us advance to what we are today?

    No rude comments please.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Best way to strengthen my USB wireless adapter?

    I use a TP-LINK TL-WN722N. Its basically a wireless USB adapter with an external antenna attached. Its barely any better then what I have built in my laptop. Is there anything that I can make homemade that would improve the signal? So far I've tried a homemade wind surfer (Failed), a mini dish wrapped in foil (failed), and a homemade antenna (Failed). I'm not trying to strengthen the modem, only the USB adapter. I'm currently mooching off of someone elses wifi xD.

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Is there anyway to control two teams at once on LOTR Battle for middle earth?

    Whether its a mod, hack, or a few clicks I want to know if its possible. I basically want a two player map being able to control both teams, and able to select both races.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What kind of things would you dedicate when buying your girlfriend a promise ring?

    I wasn't sure if it was me making the promise or her, and to what?

    Ex: A promise to be together until were married?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Not sure what I should do with situation?

    I've been dating my girlfriend for over 3 months now and we've stumbled across an unpleasant problem. Her mother. She's the type of mom who chooses their kids life for them and expects her to stay home forever...On top of that she's really strict. I'm only aloud to visit her at her house. Every time we set up a time to hang out at my families house some excuse is brought up how she can't. I think her mom is starting to hate me because the time we get to hang out shortens every week. I'm honestly getting tired of it. Were both over the age of 18, so I've decided after a few months of saving my paycheck I'm going to get an apartment for both of us. The only problem is, I don't know how I'm going to go through that drama of taking my girlfriend from her parents. I know there's going to be a huge scene attached to that. Her mom's going to hate me, but I feel that its necessary. Should I go on about this, or let her continue to string us along like puppets? If I do decide to do it, what would be some idea's of easing the fire?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago