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Hi, my name is Jenni. I like to read and write, and my favorite book is probably 'Red Pyramid.' I love animals and nature, and i dislike it when people abuse animals or destroy nature!

  • what should i do? it's about a game MAPLESTORY. HELP?

    so i downloaded a game MapleStory. when i click play a box comes up and it is yellow at the top. it says that is wants to open up web content using this program (the program for the game) and in the middle it says that it will open out of protected mode, therefore it says it puts my computer at risk.

    should i click allow? or not allow? my friend says she's downloaded it at least 5 times on 5 different computers and nothing has happened, and i said well it could happen to me and she said it doesn't work that way it would have affected her. too. is what she says true? help!:(

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • I have a question about a game MapleStory. ANSWER?

    so i downloaded a game MapleStory. when i click play a box comes up and it is yellow at the top. it says that is wants to open up web content using this program (the program for the game) and in the middle it says that it will open out of protected mode, therefore it says it puts my computer at risk.

    should i click allow? or not allow? my friend says she's downloaded it at least 5 times on 5 different computers and nothing has happened, and i said well it could happen to me and she said it doesn't work that way it would have affected her. too. is what she says true? help!:(

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • i have a question about archery, answer?:)?

    okay, so i have to do an archery test tomorrow in gym.

    here's a question on it:

    circle the 3 names of the archery range lines

    A. waiting line

    B. arrow line

    C. shooting line

    D. target line

    E. perpendicular line

    i know two of them: A and C. what's the third?

    2 AnswersOther - Sports9 years ago
  • I like this guy in my math class?

    He's a Jehovah witness and I'm a Mormon. So should I just forget about it?

    5 AnswersHomework Help10 years ago
  • Hey I'm 13 and do you think I'm underweight?

    So of course Im 13 and I'm about 5 ft 6 in tall. I turned 13 bout a week ago, btw) anyways I weight 104 pds am I underweight? I don't like a lot of food and stuff so I know I'm unhealthy but am I underweight too??

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • what does SMEXY mean?

    hahhaa, i honestly don't know what it means. tell me and it's an easy 10 points!!! :)



    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • On facebook there's a game Pawn Stars. i have a question about it. easy ten points! will you guy help?

    okay, so on facebook there's this game Pawn Stars. i want to add someone as my neighbor, but i don't know how!!! please help!!!! :) and as i said, EASY TEN POINTS!!! :)



    1 AnswerFacebook10 years ago
  • How much would this cost for my bearded dragon?

    Okay so I have about a 20 gallon tank right now but of course it's starting to get too small. I'm thinking of a 55 gallon tank but I looked online and I couldn't find anything about how much it would cost. I have about $210 and I know I'll probably need more than that, but how much would it normally cost at a pet store like Petco or PetSmart?

    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • What is a very ugly LAST name?

    Okay... First of all I know this doesn't fit in singles and dating but don't freak out!!! Okay so for my social studies homework we have to persuade the jury that this woman isn't doing witchcraft. Well I named her Agnes and I need a really ugly last name to go with it! Thx for helping(:

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is my story good so far?

    "you're cute!" a boy came up to me and said.

    I was at the park, sadly sitting on a bench. I'd just barely broken up with my ogre/unicorn boyfriend. "oh well that's good." I exclaimed! " My old boyfriend broke up with me because I wasn't pretty enough!"

    "oh it must be the ogre unicorn guy named Clackjui! He was having dinner at the Xerty with a fairy/elf/zombie and she was even uglier than Clackjui! I never knew that was possible!"

    I laughed/snorted/puked. "ya I mean I am cute! I'm a fairy/elf, kinda like the girl Clackjui is dating but I'm not part zombie!"

    We both laugh and then he said "let's go to the land of Gulch where we can be happy!"

    And so we did. And I was happy, infact I was so happy I farted! (:<

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What's up with my bearded dragon?

    Okay, so my bearded dragon keeps showing agression! Why? I take her out everyday and i'm nice to her! She's about 6 months, so is it because she's just protective? Or does she hate me?!

    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Do you like my story?

    Okay, don't critisize it too much. I'm still working on it but i'll have you read the first paragraph. So don't say it sucks just say how i can make it better.

    Okay, there's this creepy dude following me. I have no idea who he is. He has light curly blonde hair, dark brown eyes and a smile that makes you want to fart. (which isn't a good thing!) Anyways i'm in Store N mart. Ya, weird name. But this store has everything! Pants to candy, shoes to animals.... anything! And anyways he's following me and it's freaky!!! I got to go..... OR ELSE!

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Which age do you think i'll get married?

    Okay, i'm 10 years old and i was wondering...... when do you think i'll get married? What age? I wanna know!!

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I need advice! Wrong category but will you help?

    Okay so lets call the first guy Alex & the second guy Eric (not real names!) So i've like Alex for awhile and he's like me back longer. Well once school started i met Eric :) i have alot of classes with him and he's really nice, cute, & funny. & it seems like i know Eric more than Alex! Alex i really shy we see each other alot at school, he never talks to me & we txt but it seems like he has no personality, idk why i like Alex, i just do. & with Eric.... i've been falling for him more & more each day & ya.... So my question is what should i do? Tell Alex i don't like him anymore, or not. and how to get Eric to like me back? Help!!!!!!! I've been really sweet to Eric lately i'm crushing on him!

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Okay, i need major help! Any advice?

    okay so i'm to young to date & stuff but there's this boy thatt i like and he likes me back.... well lately i've been liking this other boy and i'm so confused. Okay so lets call the first guy Alex and the second guy Eric. (not real names!) So i've like Alex along time and he's like me back but then when i started school i started liking Eric. Eric is cute, funny, nicee.... the only problem is that he's like a skater guy but that doesn't really bug me. And i feel like i know Eric more than Alex! Because Alex & me text, but he's so shy & at school he doesn't talk to me at all & we see each other alot. And Eric is so cute and nice and..... well what should i do? Like idk if Eric likes me but i've been really nice to him lately & i keep falling for him more & more each day.... Like what i'm asking is what i can do to get Eric to like me back &/or Alex to be more unshy....

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Please Help! What should i do?

    When i was born my dad dropped me on purpose, then my mom laughed and didn't care. Then after a bunch of other rude things i got taken away from them and now i'm living with a new family. I've been living with them for 10 years but i still feel like an outcast. My new family has a mom and dad, 5 older brothers and 1 younger sister. The younger sister usually likes me, but the older brothers are jerks to me. sometimes they're nice but usually not..... I mean they're alot better than my original family.... but still. My life is crap! What should i do!!?

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Answer truthfully, do you like my poem?

    The world is poo,

    it reminds me of you,

    you're always so mean,

    you think you the king or queen,

    why do you always act like a stupid toad?

    if only you'd get run over in the road.

    But no, you have to live and bug me,

    if only i had to go wee wee

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Easy ten points! Is this a good poem?

    It hits me,

    I'm a tree,

    I never knew,

    Tell i got hit by a shoe,

    Now here i am,

    a lonely tree,

    who no one cares about.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Please help me!!!!!!!!!!?

    Okay so we got this homework assignment Friday and it's due tomorrow. The assignment is to write a 5 page story on anything. And i haven't done it yet and i need help!!!

    I couldn't do it Friday after school cause i was doing jobs for my neighbors then i went to sleep. Saturday i helped my neighbors a little bit, then i went grocery shopping and looked for a halloween costume. When i got back i took care of my pet and then took a nap. When i woke up i worked on other homework then i hung out with my friends. Then today i went to church and now i'm stuck!!! Please help on ideas (school appropraite)

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Why is my bearded dragon doing this?! Will anyone help me?

    So my bearded dragon is named Snuffles (cute name i know) his full name is Snuffle Es HottStuff. now that's a good name! I know, i know, hold the applause for such a ggood name! But anyways i held him a few minutes ago and he pooped on me and then bit me and jumped of my hand. Snuffle Es HottStuff is a baby btw. Idk why but he's done that at least once a day for a week. It's scaring me. And Snuffle Es HottStuff used to be so nice!!! Why does he poo on me then bite me and jump off my hand? And it's not one of those wimpy bites, it's those hard ones that sometimes makes me scream! He's drawing gallons of blood from me! HELP!

    6 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago