Could any type 1 diabetics that have had babies while diabetic share their experience with me ?

My fiance and I would like to have children after we marry but he is worried about the health risks to me and possible complications. So any infornation would be greatly appreciated.


I do use an insulin pump now.


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your using an insulin pump so that helps things alot , as long as ur control is good there shouldnt be too many problems , i am type 1 for 20 yrs and have had 2 children , but i was not lucky enough to have a pump and found my control verry difficult when i was pregnant , both of my boys were big because of the excess sugar in my system , having big babies is verry common in women with diabeties , my boys were also premature i had both at 35 weeks , one was 8lb 1oz and one was 7lb 1oz , my first was hypo when he was born but recovered quickley with a sugary bottle (normal b.m within 30 mins) and have never had a problem since and he is now a health bouncy 6 year old and my youngest son was not hypo but a bit sluggish when born and also perked u with a bottle and again is now a healthy happy 3 year old , of course there are risks but the pros outweigh the cons , i only wish i had had an insulin pump when i was pregnant! would have made things alot easier , every thing else is the same good advice that all other pregnant women get like eating healthy and look after your self , ofcourse it is a personal decision but i would think carefully about breastfeeding , i tried with my first son and found being diabetic with a newborn and breastfeeding and tring to maintain good verry dificult so i switched to bottle feeding , your risks are the same as any other pregnant women but making sure your hba1 reading is verry good before conceving is a good starting point , i hope that helps a little bit , having had 2 kids and being diabetic if i had my time again i still would do it as i now have a happy healty little family :) all the best and good luck






I am writing to tell you what an incredible impact these methods had on my life! I have had type 2 diabetes for 27 years. For me, the worst part of this horrible disease is the severe pain I constantly get in my feet. The pain is so bad that I avoid standing and walking as much as possible. I've got to tell you that within the first month, my feet stopped hurting altogether and I can now walk totally pain free.

Believe it or not, I even danced at my niece's wedding last month, something I have not done in a many years. I've been following the book for six months now and my blood sugar is well within normal range. I feel great!

I recommend you use the Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer to naturally reverse your diabetes.


I assume that you see an endocrinologist? If so since you are about to be married you should ask him/her about pregnancy. With the improvements in diabetic care these days almost all controlled diabetics can deliver a baby, safely. However it will require a little more work and medical care. If you use a pump that would be a great help, if not that would be something to also think about. The best thing I can say is talk to your dr. since he/she knows your current health condition.

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