what are the differences between chinese, korean, filipino? (physically)?


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Chinese look like they are stoned, filipinos can dance, and korean's have block shaped looking heads + they vary more in height compared to the other asians.


I know in general, Koreans are taller than Japanese (sorry thats not on the list tho). Skin color is a little different, especially when it comes to Filipino, they're darker. I don't know. Asians can usually tell Chinese, Korean, and Japanese appart. go to http://alllooksame.com/


Filipinos are usually browner, have rounder faces and flatter noses, whilst the Koreans have more of a chiseled look with prominent cheekbones and small eyes,
Chinese just look different from the two, i can always tell the difference between a Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Filipinos usually don't look like anything like them. And one thing I've found is that some Koreans have thicker lips than Chinese....hope it helps


Chinese people are usually the fairest, whearas Koreans look almost identical, except darker...Filipinos however, are very brown & often look similar to Hispanics.
Some famous Filipinos?Vanessa Minillo,Vanessa Hudgens,Nicole Scherzinger etc

Aaron C2008-06-17T06:22:40Z

I've noticed that filipinos have larger eyes and they're more spread-out, making them look either cross-eyed or seductive. Filipinos also are generally shorter whereas Japanese are the tallest of those of the asian persuasian. Chinese (usually) have very bland, flat faces. A couple things they all share are that none of them use braces, and they all age poorly.

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