I need help to lose weight?

I'm 17 years old and weigh 145. I'm only 5' 3". The doctor told me that I'm right on the verge of being overweight. I need to lose weight. What's the easiest way to do it? I'm wanting to be about 115-125 by my 18th birthday (Sep. 18) Any suggestions? (Please???)


P.S. Answer my other question too?


Favorite Answer

Talk to a nutrionist (sp?). That person would work out a good diet for you as well as a good exercising program. Go to the gym and workout. Keep yourself busy and don't overeat. Talk to a trainer and have him/her workout a good plan for you.

I'm sorry, but there isn't an easy way to lose weight. But, I'm sure you can lose weight by your 18th birthday. Keep your mind set, have a buddy to modivate (sp?) you and workout with you, and treat yourself to a new article of clothing everything time you lose 10 pounds. Good luck and FOCUS!! I know you can do it.


50 minutes of cross country skiing


wrap up any extra food you ve cooked before you sit down to a meal so you re not tempted to get seconds


avoid eating while rading listening songs and watching tv at your home or keep by kepping your hands busy


Don t skip breakfast