Please evaluate my photos.?

I'm interested in your opinions. Is there something I should do different with my photography?

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I honestly I am impressed by your photographs. I think that you have a talent in capturing light that illuminates the vibrancy of the object. I was particularly impressed by the natural scenic photographs, stunning not at all clique. Great job no; I've no negative criticisms.


Sure. Look over your notes on how to take GOOD photos. Read up about the "rules" of composition and about any technical issues you have learned to take into consideration (such as shutter speed, exposure, DOF, blur, etc). Now go through all of those points one by one and check your photo against them all. Discuss the good points as well as the bad. Offer suggestions for improvements. Summarize with a statement of how you feel about the photo from a technical point of view, as well as an artistic/emotional.


your images reflect your love for photography and an eye for composition, i like them.
join a photog group or take a class in photography at a communitiy college (everyone i know takes classes at the community college, they are cheap and fun and informative)


Nice work overall. I have left a few comments on my favorites.


No negative feedback,just kudos .You have some excellent shots! Great work,keep it up.

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