What is the opinion of Jews about Jesus Christ?

Please Jews, I want to know from you, what do you think about him. Do you believe that he was Christ?

RJ ✡ עם ישראל חי2008-06-18T10:38:08Z

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I don't have an opinion on Jesus. I don't think he was anything. My religion focuses on much, much more than the fact that Jesus was not Moshiach. (In fact, that is a belief infinitesimally smaller than Christians believe it to be.)

One of the things that leads me to believe he was crazy or that he was an invention is how he 'reacted' to the Pharisees. Because of the 'NT' Christians hold the historically inaccurate belief that the Pharisees were corrupt and nasty, when in fact they were representatives of the people. The Sadducees were the 'bad' ones.


Mormons have faith that Jesus replaced into the son of God and that God the father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are 3 seperate distict persons. We worship God the father contained in the call of Christ. We have faith that Jesus replaced into given all skill by the father, that Jesus created the earth and is Jehovah, the God of the old testomony earlier he replaced into born into mortality (Mormons have faith that all people people lived as spirits earlier the international replaced into created). Mormons have faith that Jesus took upon himself the sins of the international contained in the backyard of Gethsemane, replaced into crucified and replaced into resurrected the 0.33 day. We have faith that he lives at present as a ressurected being with an immortal physique. We have faith that all people issues are performed with the aid of Christ and that because of the fact of his resurrection and atonement, we are able to all be resurrected and if we are honest to the covenant that we make with God, our sins would be forgiven and we are able to return to the presence of God throughout the grace of Christ. because of the fact that we are all spirit little ones of God, Jesus is our older brother. Jesus is the coolest son. The subject of his existence is to do the prefer of the father in all issues. He replaced into the great and final sacrifice for the sins of the international allowing God to be completely only (because of the fact God is proper, sin must be paid for, there may be no short cuts) yet completely merciful additionally.


i asked a jewish woman that and she said that jews feel that jesus was a good man who got mislead.she feels jesus's comments about paharisses being vipers were very nasty.i had never thought of it that way before.

Angel of Caffeine JPA2008-06-18T09:34:59Z

Seemed like a nice guy. Shame about his followers.

He was not the Messiah because he did not fulfill all of the prophecies, and if one does not fulfill all of the prophecies, one cannot be the Messiah.


Sean Brock2008-06-18T09:36:52Z

Haha was he Christ!

No he was a man, and Jewish. If he existed.

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