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As always, anybody who has a knowledgeable view on the subject is invited to answer. I'm more interested, however, in response from the people who actually practice these faiths and denominations. I have read loads of stuff on the internet, but most are confusing and hard to digest just because some are placed in technical terms that seem to assume that the reader is understanding everything put before him or her.

Jews: While some sites suggest that the Jews do not believe in the divinity of Christ, others seem to state that it's only one particular sect of Judaism that don't believe in His teachings.

Jehovah's Witnesses: A common myth while I was growing up was that Jehovah's Witnesses did not believe in Christ, but from my understanding, the Witnesses believe everything about Jesus except that He is God's son.

Mormons: There was something circulating about the Mormons not believing in Christ and His divinity but, unless I'm understanding wrong, they believe in everything including His murder and His resurrection. Matter-of-fact, the only difference in Mormon teachings seem to be the after-life teachings (I was visited by a Mormon a couple of times a long time ago, who sat down for about 45 minutes each time and explained about life after death and reincarnation from the Mormon viewpoint). I don't remember much about the visits, except that Joseph Smith was the final prophet, and something about one more prophet before the end of the world.

Muslims: I've heard evil mess about Muslims this and Muslims that, but it seems that they, too, have high opinions of Christ. I still don't know all that those who practice Islam believe about Him, though.

I don't know if I'm getting a brain freeze or what, but if you can just explain it in layman terms, it would help out a lot.


In other words, just pretend that I'm 4 or 5 years old, and assume that I'm still reading large-print picture Bibles.

BTW, samsam ... that did help out somewhat, thanx!

Update 2:

I already understand what I believe about Christ. I am a life-long Catholic (not necessarily a practicing Catholic), with absolutely no confusion about my beliefs.

I am, however, interested in how other faiths and denominations view Jesus ... without all of the confusing mumbo-jumbo that I've already been reading.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Muslims have very high opinions of Jesus pbuh. They believe he was a prophet, and did all those miracles but because Allah (God) gave him the power to, not because he was God. Muslims don't believe God would abandon his prophet and let him be crucified, so he raised him up to him and disguised another person (I believe Judas) so that the traitor was crucified instead.

    Muslims don't believe God had a kid with Mary and the son was actually God, who then sacrificed himself on the cross to save humanity from the hell which he created for them because of "inherited sin" which muslims also don't believe in.

    Jesus did miracles, but never claimed he was God, and he could do these miracles because God let him.

    ----A tangent coming off your question-------

    In fact, why would Jesus say God why have you forsaken me on the cross if he was God? Also, why did Paul say God raised Jesus, not Jesus raised himself? Furthermore, son of God has been used in the torah to refer to other people, not just Jesus, making son of God just an expression. The section in Mathew saying Jesus was God was added AFTER Pauline Christianity won politically.

    Jesus himself said not everyone who calls him lord (which can also be thought of as a respectful term, not God) will go to heaven, and his brother James said that one who just has faith but does no righteousness will also not go to heaven. Paul, however, contradicts both by saying you just have to believe God (Jesus) died for you for the sin which they believe is inherited to save you from hell.

    Paul was always at odds with Jesus's disciples. Jesus was told not to spread Christianity to the pagan areas and only to the Jews because he did not want it to be corrupted; he wanted a strong base with an already monotheistic area and did not want customs to become mixed up with pagan customs, but Paul did this.

    Paul is also not trustworthy because he gave 3 different accounts of the same thing on his way to damascus!! Some may say that he was just elaborating, but he actually changed the reaction of the people around him, so it is not just elaboration. It is that he forgot his orignial story when talking to the king!

  • 1 decade ago

    You're probably very wise not to believe everything you read. There's a lot of crap on the net.


    "Mormons: There was something circulating about the Mormons not believing in Christ and His divinity but, unless I'm understanding wrong, they believe in everything including His murder and His resurrection. Matter-of-fact, the only difference in Mormon teachings seem to be the after-life teachings (I was visited by a Mormon a couple of times a long time ago, who sat down for about 45 minutes each time and explained about life after death and reincarnation from the Mormon viewpoint). I don't remember much about the visits, except that Joseph Smith was the final prophet, and something about one more prophet before the end of the world."

    We absolutely believe in the divinity of Christ. I don't know where this rumor comes from, but it's completely untrue. We don't, however, believe in reincarnation. We believe in a life after this, but not in the sense that we're reborn and have to die all over again.

    Joseph Smith was not the final prophet. We have one today (his name is Thomas S. Monson--you can Google him). And we believe there will be prophets for the rest of time. I'm not sure where the end of the world is supposed to come in.

    If you have more questions, you can probably find answers on

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll answer for the Mormon part. I am LDS (Mormon)

    You are correct. There are many people who accuse us of not believing in the divinity of Jesus Christ, but that is false. We do believe that God and Jesus Christ are separate beings, but Jesus is God's divine and only begotten son and he is a member of the Godhead. God (Elohim) sent Jesus (aka Jehovah) to create the world. Jesus is the God of the Old Testament. Jesus died for our sins, was resurrected, and now sits at the right hand of God. The only way we can be saved is through the atonement of Jesus Christ.

    You are wrong on the prophet thing though. We have had several prophets since Joseph Smith, he is not the last prophet. He was an important prophet because God used him to restore the church, so you hear a lot about Joseph Smith and the doctrines that were revealed to him... but he's not the last prophet. When the prophet dies we get a new one. Right now the prophet is Thomas S. Monson

    We also don't believe in reincarnation, we believe in resurrection.

    Here are some links to LDS web sites about our beliefs on who Jesus Christ is.

    Source(s): LDS (Mormon)
  • 1 decade ago

    You want it simple. OK. Mormons believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ just as Catholics do. The biggest difference is that they do no believe in the same concept of the Trinity that Catholics do.

    Mormons believe in the Godhead. Here are more details from

    "From the Prophet (Joseph Smith's) account of the First Vision and from his other teachings, we know that the members of the Godhead are three separate beings. The Father and the Son have tangible bodies of flesh and bones, and the Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit (see D&C 130:22).

    Although the members of the Godhead are distinct beings with distinct roles, they are one in purpose and doctrine. They are perfectly united in bringing to pass Heavenly Father's divine plan of salvation."

    BTW, ignore what Anoited said about the Mormon beliefs. This person claims to have been a Mormon for many years but always seems to be incorrect and flat out wrong about many things, many times fusing his/her personal beliefs and experiences and claiming it is Mormon doctrine.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Mormons believe that Jesus was the son of God and that God the father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are 3 seperate distict individuals. We worship God the father in the name of Christ. We believe that Jesus was given all power by the father, that Jesus created the earth and is Jehovah, the God of the old testament before he was born into mortality (Mormons believe that all people lived as spirits before the world was created).

    Mormons believe that Jesus took upon himself the sins of the world in the Garden of Gethsemane, was crucified and was resurrected the third day. We believe that he lives today as a ressurected being with an immortal body. We believe that all things are done through Christ and that because of his resurrection and atonement, we will all be resurrected and if we are faithful to the covenant that we make with God, our sins will be forgiven and we will return to the presence of God through the grace of Christ.

    Since we are all spirit children of God, Jesus is our older brother. Jesus is the good son. The theme of his life is to do the will of the father in all things. He was the great and last sacrifice for the sins of the world allowing God to be perfectly just (because God is perfect, sin must be paid for, there can be no short cuts) yet perfectly merciful also.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh shat, you had to get KNC started again...

    There are some small sects who call themselves "Messianic Jews" or Nazarene Jews" or "Jews for Jesus" who are not Jews at all, but are Christians.

    actually, most Jews don't think about Jesus much at all. There are a few exceptions...Jesus is not part of our Jewish faith.

    Mormons believe that a man named Joseph Smith was a prophet, and his three books, "The Book of Mormon", "Doctrine and Covenants" and "Pearl of Great Price" purport to be revelations from God. Smith was a handsome, eloquent, likable con man who attracted a sizable following during the mid-1800's in America.

    Jehovah's Witnesses believe, among other things, that in the end times only 144,000 people will be "raptured" and saved. Since there are far more than 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses alive today, it seems pretty unlikely that the rest of us will have an opportunity to join that Elite group.

    Muslims revere Jesus as a great prophet, but not as being the "Son of God" and certainly not as an equal with God. Jesus' mother, Mary, is the only woman mentioned by name in the Koran.

    Source(s): chocofudge gave an outstanding answer. And now KNC is mad at me---I think I'll go hide for awhile...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jews don't believe anything about Jesus. That applies to ALL Jews, not just any particular branch of Judaism. Saying there is a denomination of Jews who believe in Jesus would be like saying there is a denomination of Christians who believe in [insert name of non-Christian god here].

    Source(s): I am Jewish
  • 1 decade ago

    As one of JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES I can explain what we believe about Jesus.

    * We most certainly DO believe Jesus is God's son.

    * We believe he is a mighty god (although not equal to his father)

    * We believe he is of divine nature.

    * We believe he had countless ions of pre-human existence.

    * We believe the creator addressed Jesus when he said "Let US make man..."

    * We believe Jesus came to earth to save mankind

    * We believe without Jesus there is no salvation

    * We believe Jesus is now a mighty King in heaven

    * We believe Jesus is presently king of a heavenly government

    * We believe Jesus will be the one to destroy the wicked and establish peace on earth

    * We believe he will rule over the "meek" that shall inherit the earth.

    He is our saviour, our leader, our model and our King and we love him very much!

    I hope my answer was of help to you.


  • 1 decade ago

    There is NO group in Judaism that follows Jesus or his 'teachings'.

    No Jew on earth worships Jesus 'as divine'.

    It would be *idolatry* for all Jews.

    I think what you've seen are sites by a specific CHRISTIAN Evangelical group, whose members deceitfully pose as "messianic jews".

    Messianics = literally NON JEWS, just as Hindus are non Jews, or Muslims are non Jews.

    A Jew who converts to Xianity = A CHRISTIAN


    You are not concerned that Messianics are busy convincing the world that 'yes, jews worship jesus'.....?

    The *only* time Jews reference Jesus is WHEN we are ASKED why we don't worship him!

    Source(s): - AM JEWISH
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    JWs believe what the Bible says Jesus is, which is, the Son of God. As 1 John 5:5 says: "And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God." "Immanuel God in flesh." WRONG. Matt. 1:23 clearly says that the name "Immanuel" means, WHEN TRANSLATED, is "God with us," not "God in the flesh." The angel never said Jesus was God. Instead, he told Mary: "So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God." (Luke 1:35) "Jesus declares deity and the Jews understood this John 10:33." Where in the entire 10th chapter of John did Jesus declare his deity? NOWHERE! And although the Jews said to Jesus: "Even though you are a man, you make yourself God," Jesus quickly straightened them out, saying: "I am the SON of God," not God himself. (John 10:33, 36) So, who are you going to believe? Jesus? Or the Jews who wanted to murder him? "Jesus is also given the name that is above ALL names Phil 2:9." Tell me, did Jesus give himself such an exalted name? Absolutely not! God did. As Phil. 2:9 says: "Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names." So, since God gave Jesus his exalted name, common sense should tell you that they are two different persons. BTW, Jesus was given a name higher than all other created beings. He is still subject to God. As 1 Cor. 11:3 says: "The head of the Christ is God." 1 Cor. 3:23 adds: "You belong to Christ. Christ belongs to God." So, is Jesus' name higher than God's? Certainly not! "ALL of the disciples worshipped Jesus as God." WRONG AGAIN!! Although some Bibles incorrectly say that Jesus' disciples worshipped him, NONE OF THEM say that Jesus was worshipped AS GOD. For instance, Matt. 14:33 says: "When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped. Then the disciples worshiped him. “You really are the Son of God!” they exclaimed." So, where in the Bible does it say that any of Jesus' disciples worship him as God? Answer: NOWHERE! So, JWs believe in the Bible's version of who Jesus is. What "Jesus" do YOU believe in?

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