Government meddling in another area it has no idea?

Is it just me, or the same governing body that thinks we cant drill our way out of an oil crisis, ruined social security, wants to run the medical insurance industry, collects your taxes, and tells you how long you have to wait until you can get a firearm should have NOTHING to do with this industry either?


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Its just another industry to protect and get politcal dollars from and stick the tax payers with another bill, and in return do nothing for the anyone except look like they are concerned with this country and its people while wasting money and having a reason to be in power when they are just having a good time and really could not care less. Just gives people something to think they are doing when they are just milking the system. People like to be sheep.


This is typical why can't the people that support the politicians suggesting these things look around the globe and see how these ideas fail everywhere else. what make them think it will be different here. Government can't balance a check book why could they do these things

Julie H2008-06-25T03:54:44Z

I agree. And the government wants to provide our healthcare? It would be like an Easter Egg Hunt. And this is the same government that had to outsource the passports!


Things are done better by the people and private groups and businesses, they do more research and are more knowledeable in the topic themselves (being masters instead of the jack of all trades).

This was a long way to say, yeah I agree.