Who's more decisive? Men or Women?

I'm sorry but I truly think women are much more decisive than men. Especially around matters of the heart. Women just make up their mind and go for it.
Men seem flaky about love and relationships.

Who do you regard as more decisive (in general not just about relationships - though I'm cool with you specifying if you feel the need)


Ryde on - I certainly wouldn't say deciding against something makes you indecisive. Actually the exact opposite.

I mean saying you will and then not doing it, because you're rethought it.


Ha! that's a good observation keypoint! I think you may have nailed it!


No, Ryde on, I mean he said he would do something, then he flaked out at the last minute because he got cold feet.

BR Tiger fan2008-06-26T08:09:17Z

Favorite Answer

It takes my wife 10 minutes to decide what she wants at McDonald's. They've had the same friggin' menu for 20 years and she can't decide what she wants. Give me a break!


I don't really think that has anything to do with gender. I think it's more of an individual personality thing. There are decisive men and there are decisive women. As well as indecisive in both. Early parenting, guidance, and life experience all lead to better decision making down the road.


Women are far less decisive. They have to think about everything for 20 minutes not matter what it is. My girlfriend wakes up 30 minutes before she has to because she thinks hard about what she is going to where. guys wake up and throw some clothes on and leave. Women are the ones that can never decide whether or not they like a guy or not. It even takes them forever to decide what they freaking want for dinner.


I've never waited outside of a shoe store waiting for a man to decide what he wants to buy. A man has never made stand for an hour in a store while he decides what wallpaper he likes.

When I go to the store; I go in, grab what I need, head straight for the cash, pay and book.


From my personal experience, both in social and professional environments ,I have to say men.

Women not only second guess themselves ,but most everyone else as well.

Try a simple experiment ! ask " Where would you like to go to dinner?"

I'm under the impression that because you don't like his decision ,you have deemed it "flaky" or think he's indecisive.

Deciding not to commit ,is not indecisive.

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