Does anyone really believe Obama is arrogant?

I don't like Obama, I'm no fan by a stretch, in fact he frightens me a bit, but having said that do you really find him to be arrogant?
Coming from a single mom and having gone through school on a scholarship?
I mean that seems a stretch, really lame, especially for Rove.


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I really believe he is arrogant, he seems to think he`s going to be President, I don`t believe it will happen.
He frightens me also.


No, I don't find him arrogant at all. Knowledgeable, articulate, confident... Yes.

Arrogance is Karl Rove refusing to answer the Senate's subpoena to appear before Congress.

Arrogance is Cheney saying "So?" when told the majority of the American people are against the war in Iraq.

Arrogance is Bush saying "heckuva job, Brownie" in the aftermath of Katrina.

Vincent Valentine2008-06-26T17:57:58Z

Almost all rich liberals are arrogant and egotistical. And after the 'bitter' comments, how can anybody doubt it. Just say no to the liberal kool-aid!

Anybody but Obama '08.


Arrogant? No. He seems to have a very winning persona to me.

Smarter and more composed than 99% of us? Yes. Is this a very good quality in a President? I think so.

But I am also not prepared to vote for someone with so little experience.


He's not arrogant. The only people who say that are Republicans trying to convince people that they shouldn't want someone who's intelligent to be president. Are we supposed to NOT vote for him because he was smart enough to get himself into Harvard on a scholarship?
I for one want a smart president. I think it will be a nice change!

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