Disabiled living the cheapest way!?

This is just an idea and not meant to be a cure all but just an idea.
I have a friend that lives in florida that owns 5.5 acres of land zoned to be recreational use ie:campground! Now my thoughts are to see if he would allow it to be a campground for disabled users as in permanent campertrailer site living.Yes I know it will take money and time to make it into a good livable area but if enough ppl would have interst in their site in time full hook ups as in water sewer and electric would be added better.The land did have 3 house trailers on it but gone now.But it still has 3 septics and 2 wells on the land and electric for each trailer area.
My point is do you all think this could be a good thing or not all I ask is for honest opinions.This way I can talk with him and let him know there is something good he can do we his land and still make a small fee from the users.He says if he could do something with it that can make a small return for the value of the land he may think about it


The land is an hour and 15 mins north of Panama city florida.The property is cleared and ready for something! I just am tired of having to pay high rents water sewer bills and thinking this over!
I told him just think if you had just 10 sites and charged $250 per month plus metered electric what he could have and the benefit for ppl with lower income needs.


Been doing good!
He had house trailers before and with florida ins. and upkeep does not want to do it anymore but he is thinking a campground may be good!He wants to be sure insurance, taxes are paid and a lil left over for him could be there!


Grandmaster I like your point of view!
Is there a current need and demand for this type of facility? A- I think any time you can do something to make it easier for a person to live ie: camper living there is and will be a demand for it!
Are other businesses catering to the needs of the disabled? B- Not just to cater to disabled only but low income living alternative!
What happens when the lot remains vacant, thus, no income? C- very good question and one tough to answer right off but in the economic slump we are in today affordable camper living is becoming more popular!
How will you differentiate your services? D- To give better access and funcutions for ppl with disabilities and be more affordable!
Remember it would be a campground so anyone would be welcome but would have better access for the disabled person.
It was just a thought and I do thank you all!


Chilis' great point too! Bill the owner said it would have to be for ppl healthy enough to care for their own needs and that it would only be a campground and not any type of care facility! It may be something in dream world I guess to many varibles to look at. I was thinking on something more as just as in an RV travel trailer campground with the cost down low so ppl with disabiities and a structured low income can have a place to enjoy fellowship in known surroundings with others.


Favorite Answer

Sounds reasonable to me. I would pick a few target disability groups as you can't meet the needs of all well. Chair-users or non. Blind or Deaf. Cognitive disability or mental illness. Medical issues or healthy disabled.

You want to consider whether you are going to try to attract people from Florida only or from a distance. I personally will not set foot in Florida because of the way they provide services to people with disabilities. Check out who would provide services to the folks who lived there and see how proactive they are.

The first and BIGGEST hurdle will be to get the zoning changed.


This may not be the most popular answer, but here goes:

Injun, as you well know, you need to look at this scenario strictly from a business viewpoint.

Is there a current need and demand for this type of facility? Are other businesses catering to the needs of the disabled? What happens when the lot remains vacant, thus, no income?
How will you differentiate your services?

Its also necessary to think about possible repairs to existing infrastructure, and the addition of more septics or wells (if needed). Talking to a former apartment manager, there is a learning curve when it comes time to screening and managing tenants. Are you ready to put up with the hassles?

If you think all parameters are covered throughly, then you might give it a shot.

My personal slant: I would use that land to build a summer camp/company retreat type facility. The area would come complete with log cabins, campfire, hiking zone, tennis/basketball court, large exercise field, indoor auditorium/cafeteria.


Good idea! What I did & it worked well & still does 5 years with a house. Get a bunch of disabled together & put money in (the more ppl the less each one needs to put in) get it going then they can put in some each month to cover tax & whatever & Ur buddy can make some. Each disabled person only puts a little in but a little from each one makes a big pot.


Good Idea, but for 5.5 acres you may want to look into adding more house trailers, so that more people can live there it may cost alot of money but in the long-run you could make a profit off of it.

How have you been?


Sounds to me like a WINNER.*