Lottery and inheritance email scam is yahoo doing anything to stop it? Or is there anything I can do?

I keep getting these scams from Nigeria. I delete them all but it is getting annoying. Anybody have any ideas?


Favorite Answer

DELETE THEM!!! DO NOT OPEN THEM!!! I actually had to upgrade my virus and spam ware. Unfortunately they sometimes do caught...but it is usually later before sooner!!! It isn't just on Yahoo, but every ISP out there. The people that send these things out make millions illegally off people and it is soooo against the just takes them getting caught...and there are so many loopholes that they usually get away with it. Don't open them and move them to spam. Good luck!!!

Barkley Hound2008-07-01T21:52:02Z

If they are in your in box don't delete, mark as spam. If they are in the spam folder then what can be done is done.



I get the same things it is really annoying I wonder how they got my e-mail address???