What did you do, to get revenge on a bad neighbor?

what did you do, and what was it revenge for?

Also any repercussions?


my neighbors know not to mess with me. Plus, they like me! I think.
But border wars can get ugly, so it's always fun to hear the details of how petty neighbors can be.


Favorite Answer

1. Have sex with his dog
2. poop on his wife
3. Kidnap his doorbell
4. Sell his children to the IRS

(you can't beat that first answer)


OOOooooo this is a good question. I had neighbors in the apartment under me that continually used to fight.Which put my nerves on edge every day. They would yell all day and slam doors. So one Sunday morning I got up bright and early and went into my kitchen and their bedroom is right below so I took a chair and kept picking it up and dropping it so it banged on the floor. Then I went to the front door and slammed it a couple of times. I hurried back to the kitchen and waited.... and listened in silence and just as I was about to give up hope that I had awakened them I could hear them moving around downstairs in their bedroom. Sheer music to my ears !!!!!!!!!!!!! Final payback.


Mine really isn't revenge... but it's funny (I think at least.) My drunk neighbor was outside, drinking and smoking. I was sitting there watching TV, looked out and saw my AC unit smoking!!! So I went out there and saw that he had flicked a cigarette butt over the fence into my yard. So I picked it up, brought it over to him, and said "here, do you want this back?" He apologized up and down. Loser.


1. have sex with his wife
2. poop on his doorstep ring the doorbell and run away
3. kidnap their dog
well to be honest if he/she is really bad burn their house to the ground, always works for me,
hope i was of some assistance

no reprocussions of the 4th if you flee the country and as for the first 3 nah jus deny it

