Creating an excel formula that changes minutes:seconds (2:47) to seconds (167 seconds)?

I have values such as 2:47 that i need an excel formula to convert it into seconds...2:47=> 167 seconds

However excel keeps recognizing 2:47 as 2:47 AM not as a regular value of minutes to seconds. Help!!!!!!


Favorite Answer

This should also work:

Assume your minutes:seconds value is located in A1

Format A1 as TEXT
Format B1 as NUMBER

In B1 enter the formula: =A1*1440

The conversion result will appear in B1

Note: to convert hours:minutes:seconds into seconds, format the cells the same... A1 as Text, B1 as Number. The formula in B1 would be =A1*86400


Minutes To Seconds


Enter your value required to be converted in cell A1 (formatted as text or enter as such '2:47) In cell B1 enter the following (all one line pls as YA breaks formula)
Answer comes back in seconds (excuse the pun).
Will convert any number of minutes correctly but not if entered as hours, minutes and seconds. HTH


How do I them change the seconds back into the (2:47) original formula so I can get a total?