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Anonymous asked in SportsWrestling · 1 decade ago

Y!A Wrestling Classic, "Modern Era" Region, Second Round?

Here is the Second round of the "Modern Era" Region. For those of you looking for the first round of the Lucha Libre bracket, that will be posted shortly.

Here is the second round:

Terry Funk vs Paul Orndorff

Dynamite Kid vs Bret Hart

Sting vs Randy Savage

Chris Benoit vs Dean Malenko (yes, I meant to do that)

Owen Hart vs Kurt Angle

Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan

HBK vs The Undertaker

The Rock vs Ric Flair

Thanks for participating.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Funk over Orndorff - "Mr. Wonderful" was pretty great, but not as great as Terry Funk. He also wrestled the business in the wrong direction (start in the WWF, go down to indies). Funk, on the other hand, payed his dues, won his titles, payed more dues, wrestled in indies... he did it all. And he did it well.

    Dynamite over Hart - Well, I know it's a lost cause. Most people on these boards will say that Hart was a better worker, and one of the best of all time. I know a lot of people would disagree. Ric Flair would disagree, and tried to expose Hart as a not very interesting wrestler. I'll go with Kid here because Bret Himself has said on multiple occasions that Kid was "pound-for-pound, the greatest wrestler who ever lived".

    Steamboat over Savage over Sting - I can't believe you forgot Steamboat. Maybe i'll look like an idiot if he pops up somewhere else in the brackets. Otherwise, you've just proven my point about him being completely underrated and overlooked. (Savage over sting). Savage could go for a while. A long while. Just ask Ricky Steamboat. Terry Funk also thinks Randy Savage was the first guy to ever put anyone through a table.

    Malenko over Benoit - I think both guys were great wrestlers (obviously), and neither were particularly great on the mic. But Malenko was a bit better. And apparently, really funny backstage.

    Hart over Angle - Angle's a great mat guy, etc. Owen could do it all, and likely would have had his career not been cut short.

    Austin over Hogan - Well, I guess it takes one era-defining wrestler to eliminate another. I like Austin in all his incarnations, particularly as the last holder of the Million Dollar Belt. He could work, he could go, and he could certainly take Hogan.

    HBK over Taker - Ooooh, here's a doozy. I think Taker's a good guy, but his career hasn't always been that solid. He's had some huge ups, but definitely a lot of downs in terms of wrestling ability. He often just relied on his gimmick to get over. For Michaels, I've never seen him get too lazy. He gets the win here, and revenge for a whole lot of pain caused by the dead man.

    Flair over the Rock - I can't see anyone going the other way. I just can't.

  • 1 decade ago

    Still assuming no "WWE" advantage:

    Terry Funk. As I said before, if he couldn't out-wrestle you he'd out-fight you. If he couldn't out-fight you, he'd out-"crazy" you.

    Bret Hart. Hate to see Dynamite leave so soon, but the Hitman would just out-wrestle him and make him tap to the Sharpshooter.

    Sting. A little better wrestler than Savage, I think. Sting would win by submission to the Scorpion Deathlock.

    Chris Benoit. Damn...what a match-up! Chris' strength advantage would be the difference here. Dean would eventually tap to the Crippler Crossface.

    Kurt Angle. As great as Owen was, so is Kurt. Kurt's meaner and more ferocious. No submission here, Kurt would just have to wear Owen out and pin him.

    Hulk Hogan. Hogan CAN wrestle. He's bigger and stronger than Austin, too.

    The Undertaker. Shawn's good, real good. I just think the Undertaker can beat him.

    Ric Flair. Flair had no trouble out-wrestling the big guys. The Rock would be no different.

  • Orndorff was a solif wrestler, but Funk's still arguably one of the best to lace up a pair of boots, regardless of era.

    Damn, that's a tough one. Bret Hart was a technical wizard, simply one of the best, but who can forget the Dynamite Kid, a man who revolutionized the juniors? Dynamite Kid for me.

    Randy Savage here. He was arguably the best WWF worker of the 1980s, and even brought Ultimate Warrior to a great match.

    The Rabid Wolverine manages to take this one out of his best friend's grip.

    I have a feeling that everybody's going to pick the massively overrated Angle, but I don't care. It's the King of Harts for me.

    Damn, Eddie didn't take it? Ah well, as consolation, we get a match between arguably the two best drawing wrestlers in WWE history. While it would be a terrible match today and both men's egos would never allow it to happen, no doubt this match could potentially draw like crazy. The Rattlesnake wins.

    A great match, but I've got to give it to Michaels.

    Bach. The Rock could work a crowd, but Ric Flair could work a crowd AND wrestle. It's the Nature Boy winning with an eye poke into a small package.

  • 1 decade ago

    Funk over Orndorff with the Step Over Toe Hold

    Bret Hart makes Dynamite Kid tap (best match)

    Sting makes Savage tap.

    Dean Malenko outwrestles Benoit.

    Kurt Angle defeats Owen with the Angle Slam

    Austin defeats Hogan.

    Taker defeats HBK with a Tombstone.

    Rock defeats Flair via Rock Botton.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Terry Funk

    Bret Hart


    Chris Benoit

    Kurt Angle

    Steve Austin

    The Undertaker

    Ric Flair-WOOOO!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Terry Funk

    Bret Hart


    Dean Malenko

    Owen Hart

    Hulk Hogan


    Ric Flair

  • Funk

    Dynamite Kid



    Kurt Angle

    Steve Austin


    Ric Flair

  • Orndorff wins

    Bret Hart via Submission

    Sting beats Savage

    Benoit via Submission

    Angle defeats Owen

    Hogan beats Austin

    Taker defeats HBK

    Flair defeats Rock

  • 1 decade ago


    Bret Hart


    Chris Benoit

    Owen Hart

    Steve Austin

    The Undertaker

    Rock (Modern era)

    Source(s): *Starred*
  • 1 decade ago




    Make it difficult (D), going with Malenko

    I think Owen would have surpassed Angle, so Owen



    Rock was by far more entertaining.

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