Crazy cat dragging socks around?

I have a Female Cat. She's been fixed for almost a year now..she has had one litter , we kept two of the males but now for the past month she been jumping in the hamper and dragging out socks or undies and dragging them around the house like they were kittens and meowing.
Whats with that.
Oh she is a siamese if that might have something to do with it..
Thank you


Thank You all for your replys.... I guess I'll wait it out and see if she stops..
Take care


Favorite Answer

One of my girls does that also with socks! I think she was trying to make herself a nest with the socks, found about 10 all together under the bed. She is spayed but never had babies though. She does act as if she's carrying babies and she does meow while she is doing it. It is so cute, don't know why she does it though. She is siamese mix!


I have a young adult female Siamese mix, she also carries a sock around and makes little mewing sounds to it! I think she thinks it's her kitten [she's never had any]! Sometimes she even takes it to the food bowl and drops it in as though she's feeding it.
She doesn't collect lots of socks as some of you say your cat does, she seems to have one favorite red sock that she always picks! Go figure!

Butterfly Lover2008-07-07T16:20:44Z

I have a 13 year old female who was altered before she ever had a litter. She has 2 soft toys that she carries around like kittens and meows like she's upset. She isn't siamese, just crazy!

I have another female, also altered before ever having a letter and she never does this. Go figure!


My cat is Siamese too. She drags socks from the basement laundry room and brings them upstairs. If the door is closed she lays them on the top step and goes back for more. Oh well, I figure it keeps her busy. LOL

Jennifer G2008-07-07T16:43:12Z

My cat used to do the same thing. She would hide them all over the house. I thought that it was because when we went to get her fixed they told us that she was pregnant. So they had to abort her babies because they found out to late. I felt so bad! I guess that she had gotten pregnant one of the times that she had escaped. The only hope that I have for you is that my cat stopped doing it after about 6 months. She wasn't a Siamese either.

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