Has anyone ever heard of Water Therapy?

You are supposed to drink 1.5 liters of water first thing in the morning. Is this good for you? Anyone done this. Thanks


I also add 1 teaspoon of sole salt with this.



Water cure and Water therapy are different.


Favorite Answer

its good cause your body is dehydrated in the morning and it also cleans out your bowel...i do it everyday xD
its going to hurt at first until your body adjusts..


You should not exceed 1.5 -2.0 liters within 15-30 minutes. A good indicator is if you can feel the water in your stomach, then stop.You can also weugh yourself before and after-if you have gained(or lost) more than 3 lbs., use caution. When your sodium and potassim electrolytes start to drop from too much water intake -you have the following symptoms-lightheadedness, vomiting, headache, nausea and unresponsiveness.If this progresses, brain swelling, coma, and death, very rapidly. Immediately force your self to vomit- sticking your fingers in your mouth. If you have some salt, take about 1/4 of a teaspoon and potassium tablets-2 or 3 bananas if you do not have potassium tablets(follow the directions).The symptoms should subside.DO NOT wait-see a doctor immediately.


Are you talking about the water cure?? Yes yes, it's very good for you ....... i drink about 4 - 5 litres per day of water and with each litre i have 1/4 of a teaspoon of pure Celtic Sea Salt on my tongue ...... amazingly beneficial to the body....... my blood pressure is perfect at 120 over 81 and i'm fighting fit at 44 ........ the benefits are nothing short of astounding.

If you aren't use to drinking that amount of water regularly then build up to all that water in one go or you'll bloat and feel sick......... start with say 1/2 a litre first up in the morning and then 1/2 an hour later have another 1/2 a litre and so on until you get used to it.....;0)

Take a look at this link ~


Also, read the book by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.... "Your body's many cries for water"...... an astounding and scary and very true read....... ;0)

peace 2 u


yes I tried it for a while....it takes a while, maybe a few weeks to be able to consume that much water in that short a period of time, but it seems to be beneficial. Just make sure u don't exceed the prescribed amount because there is a condition called Water Poisoning. Also, make sure u go to the bathroom enough otherwise ur body can't take it.

SkepDoc 2.02008-07-07T20:35:05Z

the average person needs about 2 litres a day of water...but remember you will get water from other things besides just drinking it.
You don't need it all at once. This is closely linked to the common AltMed desire for cleansing, detoxifying and purification. Yes you will have a bowel movement. Shite happens, as they say.
There are no health benefits to doing this, and possible harm.

There is no such thing as a "Water Cure"

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