On corporate bailouts and foreclosures?

Any justifications for why the government is already planning for the bailouts of freddie mac and fannie mae while assistance for people who have been victims of the foreclosure meltdown has been met with incredibly strong resistance? how is this anything but a naked concern for the welfare of corporations at the expense of the suffering of americans?


edit: to those who think that bailing those corporations out will be beneficial:

"Bush administration officials are considering a plan to have the government take over one or both of the companies and place them in a conservatorship if their problems worsen...Under a conservatorship, the shares of Fannie and Freddie would be worth little or nothing, and any losses on mortgages they own or guarantee — which could be staggering — would be paid by taxpayers." http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/11/business/11fannie.html?hp

does anyone think that a bailout in this form will help anyone keep their jobs instead of simply stalling until the company tanks a la bear stearns?

according to some, apparently when people recklessly play with the jobs and money of thousands of people, they deserve corporate welfare and yet when an individual is poor, they deserve all they get.


Favorite Answer

The Banks treat Americans as Milk Cows

-ever been late at paying your bills? and the consequences!!!?

Now the Banks want the Milk Cows to us US tax $$$ to bail them out!!!! SORRY!!!

Jacob W2008-07-11T14:49:45Z

Both Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac are creations of Democrats in Congress. They created them and got lots of people to invest in them so now what are we left with? Another debacle like the Savings and Loan situation back in the eighties.

The beat goes on!

The difference between this situation and the "foreclosure meltdown" as you mistakenly call it, is that people through their own actions took out ridiculously stupid mortgages in an attempt to game the system. Believe me, when the market was hot such people made a killing. But the marked took a down turn and these people got nailed.

With Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, people simply invested money in these organizations often indirectly through mutual funds or 401k retirement plans. There is a serious difference.


Freedle S2008-07-11T14:37:57Z

Do you have an alternative? I would love to hear a good one that I could support.

With our freddie and fannie our housing situation would be in an incredible crisis. You would be wishing for the good old days of the current problems.

If you don't like these bailouts, tell your democrat representatives. They control the congress where the bills are written.

3rd parties for REAL CHANGE2008-07-11T14:43:11Z

The government can't get involved. Any thing they do will only prolong the economic down turn that needs to run its "natural" course.

Besides, it takes two to tango. This needs to be a huge lesson for American consumers regarding loans. Just because you are approved for a loan doesn't mean you can afford it.


Every single day I read of yet another example of the current fascist regime giving our tax dollars to Big Business.

And still the average American is struggling to fill up the gas tank and put groceries on the table.

To be aware of that is "whining?"

We're supposed to sit by and say nothing while our hard-earned tax dollars are given to successful Big Businesses? I don't think so.

Oh, and by the way? C'mon, let me hear it! Let me hear all the Righties talk about "free market" and "hands off" and "no intervention" and "no regulation" while at the same time shoveling MY TAX DOLLARS INTO THE COFFERS OF BIG BUSINESS...

Come on!!!


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