I was looking on craigslist and I saw a car that looked nice and was being sold at about half its value. This guy said he recently joined the military and offered to let me test the car for 7 days. He said the military would cover shipping for him by flying it to a local airport and trucking it to my residence. He wants the transaction done via eBay Express, where they hold the money while I test the car and then release it to him after I decide I want it. To send the money I have to use moneygram and fax the info to Ebay. What do you think? Scam?
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I didn't even read the whole question. As soon as i saw the words "half price" and "military" it just screamed SCAM to me! Trust me, I have seen people play the military card 1000 times. Unfortuantely, in my past experiences, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is!
I'm guessing a scam, but ask to meet the guy. Tell him you'll fly out to wherever he is to test drive the car because you like to travel anyway. Ask him for an address and phone number.
If he actually gives it to you, call him and you'll find out right away.
I don't know what's going on there sounds like a scam. But on the other hand he doesn't get any money until you say so. Just make sure you've looked over everything before accepting this transaction.