Whats The Weirdest Thing You've Been Told TODAY??????

who said it??

i got told i had a sexy voice, by this guy i like!


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i been told that im dumb and i wasnt even doin anything!!!

and btw r u taliah moore?? that just graduated 4rm Lenox Academy??


that you just told me you said some guy said your voice is sexy


Some guy here on yahoo answers said he was going to "sift through his poo" to find a dime he had swallowed.


My bf said my breath smelled like some medicine he once had that was made out of deer antlers lol.... :( So I said his breath smells like sweat mixed with gasoline... I dk he was sweating and he was going to his car so I just said it randomly. His breath doesn't stink..


Moreso my mom was telling someone over the phone and I was right next to her:

"A sting ray... killed Steve Erkel"


Needless to say I burst out into hysterical laughter before she did.

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