Why do people care so much if a dog dies, but it doesn't really matter if its like a hamster??

Just wondering, i mean a dog dies = crying for days.
Hamster= Okay thats nice.


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I guess because the dog is more involved with the whole family, but the hamster usually stays in the cage or a hamster ball thing.
A dog goes on walks with the whole family, plays around, and gets alot more attention because its probaly into everything.
So if something happened to the families dog, the whole family notices. If something happens to the hamster that stays in someones room, the person who owns the hamster is sad, but the rest of the family just feels bad for the person that owned it, because they werent really attached to the hamster.
I dont know if thats right, thats just what i think.



before everything, they must have seperate cages, different sensible you will in basic terms have one hamster interior a pair of months even with the undeniable fact that there is not any longer you should renowned approximately taking good care of hamsters, clean foodstuff and water on a daily basis, no longer effortless washing there cages as quickly as a week, approximately 20 minutes in a ball in line with day (nonetheless are not getting them out for some days, supply them time to comply with their new domicile) and supply them plenty to do, working wheel, carboard tubes, toys often


I have felt so bad if a fish dies of mine or whatever pet it was that i loved alot. I do not know why people act like that. If it was your pet and it died then you should feel bad not just because it should be some animal that someone thinks you should only cry over.

momma 2 Sydney 9-8-092008-07-13T19:30:43Z

u can bond with a dog better than u can with a hamster!

Cao Cao2008-07-13T19:52:13Z

Dogs are constantly right there with you. They are very intelligent and affectionate. You get more used to them and when they die, it is a bigger change in your life then when a hampster dies.

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