bf jealous of time spent helping an injured relative?

Ok first off before this happened he wanted me to remove friends from my messenger list (female friends) because he questioned their moral values even though he knows me well enough by now to know I wouldn't do the kinds of things he suspects them of. Situation now is my uncle whom I am very close to and who has done more for me than I can say was in a serious motorcycle accident,broke his hip and collar bone. I have him staying with me until he is on his feet agina and helping him out. Now my bf is jealous of the time I am devoting to my uncle saying it is cutting too much into time I have for him. How do I deal with this?


He thinks my mom should have her brother staying with her instead of me but,she lives in a 2nd. floor apartment with no elevator so that isn't an option (not sure he is aware of my moms apt. arrangements).Her other brothers and sisters don't live in the area so they are not an option either, just one and she recently had surgery so she is not in a condition to help. It's very stressful and difficult to feel as though I am being pulled in two or more directions and him acting as though he is the only one I can love or care about in my life. When I care about anyone else he doesn't want them around as they take time from him and he doesn't feel he is a big enough priority.


Favorite Answer

Tell him he needs to work on his control issues and you may even need to see a counselor if the problem gets worse.

Let him know that he can trust you and that you're not going to cheat on him. Reasure him when he is feeling unconfident about your relationship.


If your BF doesnt accept that your uncle is hurt and you need to be with him that he isnt a very good BF, I Would break up with him, Also I think he is being much too over proctetive.

I hope this helps,


Dump this immature idiot right now. I married one of those and it just gets worse. Pretty soon he won't want you to have friends or see your family and he'll be making a list of rules. Get out while you can.