What breed is this?

I have no idea, I need some help as I've already put a downpayment on him...



Some of you need to get a sense of humor...geez...


Favorite Answer

Ah silly Juliane...

That is the infamous thoroughresianshephaterrier... They are rare, but aren't they a magnificent creature?? I envy you!! Hehe


i believe it is a chestnut Horse Hound commonly found on the highest peaks of the Himalayas, it has rarely been seen although their is a legend that the yeti bred it to combat the severe ice storms and provide him with enough protein for the winter. they captured a few about 5 years ago and are now breeding them with arabs and TB's to lighten them up a bit.


lol! Have you ever heard of computer animation? That's it my friend!
You can tell, as in the picture, you can see the dog straining against the leash, but the leash isn't cutting into him at all!

I hope you're joking! You would have to be 100% fool to fall for that!

lol! It's clever though, I can't think of a name!


Haha I wonder if it's hung like a horse!? You can call it a Paliminoxer!


It's a LABRA-HORSE! Half Lab, half horse! It's hypoallergenic and doesn't shed!! It's also great with kids and full of hybrid vigor! And, it's ONLY $10,000!!

WOW, what a great choice!

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