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Anonymous asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Meanest dog breed & nicest dog breed?


What I mean is, which dog breeds are the nicest, lovey-ist, gentle dogs that are just sweet & always want to lay up on you?

& which do you think are the more aggressive, meaner dogs that are sometimes to proud to lay up on people?

30 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Find me a nice caucasian ovcharka and I'll pay you 1,000$ dollars. A guardian breed NOT bred or meant to be a cuddly lap dog, and not a breed that I would fvck with.

    I've NEVER met a nice dalmatian, and I've met a few. However, I've also never met a WELL BRED dalmatian, and I've never met one that was properly trained and socialized.

    Chow chows as a breed are very weary of strangers. Again, poor breeding and improper training leads to many aggressive chows.

    Cocker spaniels, they can just be mean little sh*ts.

    And last, chihuahuas. I've spent MANY many hours volunteering at numerous animal shelters. I've met MANY many chihuahuas up for adoption. And I can tell you over 75% of them were aggressive. They are also one of the only breeds I've ever been bitten by (4 chihuahuas and 1 pug, to be exact).

    The NICEST breeds I've encountered? I've only ever dealt with one aggressive lab, and I've obviously encountered many lol (oddly enough, the same friend that owns the sh*t head lab also use to own one of the sh*t head dalmatians, lol. Jake, the lab, is fine though once you get to know him).

    I've spent many hours with one of the largest shelters outside Denver city limits, and this means roughly 60-70% of their intake is pit bulls (Denver bans pit bulls, and sends all pits to two shelters outside the city limits). The majority of their pits they get in are extremely friendly and loving, although most do have some form of animal aggression. I think I've only known of 4-5 aggressive dogs that I've dealt with in the last 4-5 years or so. Although, they do have a great behavior program, so they are really good at destroying any dog too far aggressive to be worked with and actually training and working with dogs that can be saved.

    Labs and pits are the only "nice" breeds I've dealt with on a larger scale, as in I've dealt with a LOT of lab and pit mixes. I've never seen an aggressive aussie-mix come through the door. Most of them are very sweet and loving as well. I don't think it's possible for a grey hound to be aggressive, lol. They are just so laid back and chill.

    There are of course MANY breeds that on average are great, I've just mentioned ones I've seen the most of. Seeing ONE or TWO nasty examples of a breed, or ONE or TWO nice examples of a breed does NOT set the tone for the entire breed. 75% of the chihuahuas I've met are nasty, I tend to label the breed as nasty. 90+% of the pit bulls I've met are dolls, I tend to label the breed as sweet. I, however, am NOT stupid. I look at the whole picture, the breeding, the training, etc...

  • 8 years ago

    In my experience, the dog breeds which are the least likely to develop human aggression issues are the Pug, Beagle, English Bulldog, and Boston Terrier. I haven't really seen an example of any of those breeds that I would say had a serious aggression issue, though I have met more than a few nervous Beagles. Well-bred Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Pit Bulls, and Greyhounds would be right up there as well.

    On the other hand are the breeds which are most likely to be aggressive. I have never had a pleasant experience with a Yorkie. In fact, of the 50 or so Yorkies that I have encountered, I would say all 50 had some sort of aggression issue. Chow Chows, Akitas, and Chihuahuas are right up there as well. But, I would say that the most aggressive dog breeds are the various breeds of Terrier from Scotland, the Scottish Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Dandie Dinmont Terrier, and Skye Terrier. Scotties and Westies in particular are very bitey dogs.

  • 5 years ago

    Meanest Dogs

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You can make any dog mean by treating it bad. However, when selecting a dog by breed, look at the parent's disposition whenever possible. Personally, I've found Border Collies and Golden Retrievers to be nicer than Pit Bulls and Chesapeake (sp?) Bay Retrievers. Little dogs can sometimes appear vicious because they are smaller then everything around them and put on more of a show to defend themselves. Some of the giant breeds can be the biggest babies around, such as Newfoundlands.

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    You can't define the meanest dog breed and nicest dog breed. It is purely based of how you train them.

    We got a very friendly lab that's great with are family ( the parents where hunting dogs that had been very well trained and checked mental and phisacl health) a year lattrr we met one of his brothers that was owned by are neighbors, and that dog was mean... We past him on a walk and he had a muzzle on and choke chain on. He lunged at us barking with his hair up.

    So it doesn't matter what breed the dog is, there are nice one, and there are mean ones.

  • 5 years ago

    I don't think there is any "mean" dog people have ruined dogs by making them do dog fights to me people honestly make dogs aggressive I mean ppl abuse them but still remain loyal until they just break and it's not fair bc for ex. pit bulls or Rottweilers now have a bad wrap and are illegal to have in some states. I nice dog breed would very from a lab to a golden to a German Shepherd. Probably a lab would win the nicest dog award but all dogs are different and do have different temperaments

  • 6 years ago

    I know some may not agree with me but I think the nicest dog is in between a pitbull and a golden retriever.

    Meanest dog I would say would be a chihuahua and I know many would agree with me on that one.

    Source(s): I have a pitbull who is the sweetest dog ever. I've also have never met a mean pitbull and have never met a nice chihuahua.
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Meanest dog breed & nicest dog breed?


    What I mean is, which dog breeds are the nicest, lovey-ist, gentle dogs that are just sweet & always want to lay up on you?

    & which do you think are the more aggressive, meaner dogs that are...

    Source(s): meanest dog breed nicest dog breed:
  • DB
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    As a dog lover, I could not say which breed of dog is the meanest, I do think there are many causes

    for this, such as inbreeding and irresponsible owners..,.,

    The most adorable , loyal, and loving dogs I have had are King Charles Cavalier Spaniels and would recommend them to young and old as they are great companions

  • 1 decade ago

    It may sound weird but a recent study has shown that the English Cock er Spaniel is the most aggressive breed of dogs believe it or not. As for the nicest I would have to go with a Golden Retriever or any type of Labrador.

  • The best is great Dane they are giant lap dogs. Great with kids. Calm, loving and usually very docile( once they are done growing) besides that boxers are awesome. The worst would be chihuahuas and toy and teacup of many breeds

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