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Anonymous asked in PetsDogs · 1 day ago

should I crop my dogs ears?

I hesitated at first because I love the floppy ears but they play rough and i'm worried about ear infections. They are american stafforshire terrier and the first one I had decades ago ended up with ear infections

8 Answers

  • RoVale
    Lv 7
    22 mins ago

    In many parts of the world, that's illegal.

  • Anonymous
    5 hours ago

    Leave the ears alone unless there’s a valid medical issue.  Ear infections are preventable, just keep on top of them using vet recommended ear cleaner.  The solutions are formulated to flush debris out of the ear canals and help keep them from getting infected.  My long floppy eared dogs used to have that problem until I started weekly maintenance.

    If the dog gets repeated hematomas in the ear flaps then and it’s chronic then you can discuss surgical solutions, but once a dogs mature vets no longer do docking or cropping unless medically necessary.

  • 22 hours ago

    No, you should not crop the ears.  If you take proper care of the ears there will be no infections.  Just pay attention to the smell the ears give off.  If they are infected they will stink like an ear infection.  Just part of the normal observations you watch with your dog.  Clean the ears once a month to maintain a healthy ear.

  • 1 day ago

    I got a big strong American Staffordshire bull terrier can kill anything and everything he wants to. Ears don't matter. Be tough get a pit.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Unless you have an 8 to 12 week puppy, it is not possible to have a vet DO an ear crop after 16 weeks (in the US) and vets in other places no longer do the procedure as an elective surgery - (under any circumstances) but you know this, as it is a TROLL's question.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    NO NO NO NO NO!  Do not have your dog's ears cropped, and do not have his tail docked.  Just be responsible to stay on top of keeping his ears clean, and check for signs of infection every couple days.  It's not that difficult.

  • *****
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    No, you should not crop your dog's ears. It will not reduce chances of ear infection in that breed, and there is not significant risk of ear injury with playing dogs. It is purely a cosmetic procedure.

  • 1 day ago

    What is a crop mean?????

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