Would Roy Williams be better at Linebacker than Safety?

I know he would be a bit on the small side as a Linebacker, but given his strengths and weaknesses as a player I really think that would be a better position for him. He has always been more effective the closer he is to the line of scrimmage, and while his coverage skills are a liability as a safety they would be an asset as a linebacker covering slower players. Watching him struggle the past few years, I wonder why the Cowboys haven't tried this.


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No, his size just won't work. The main thing that sets a linebacker apart from a DB is being able to take on blockers. So as great of a hitter as he is, without being able to take on a guard is a major liability. You can't tackle the ball carrier if you can't get to him. And even worse, a blocker could easily push through him and use HIM to block another player.

That's why players like Williams and Lynch cannot play linebacker. The front 7 has to be able to take on the 5 linemen + 2 blocking backs (TE & FB). After that, the SS and FS gets the tackles.

scott g2008-07-16T19:17:39Z

I agree with you whole heartedly, anyone can get bigger, but you cant improve speed and he is one of the slower safeties in the league-and teams know it!!!

On the other side he is a beast at the line of scrimmage. Dallas has had successful undersized LBs in the past, remember Dat Nguyen the korean nightmare! That dude was a tackling machine and his measureables pretty darn close to Roy-Roy. Williams is target in the secondary. I like Roy Williams as a safety-linebacker tweener and why not, alot of LB-DE tweeners out there. He could revolutionize the position as a safety-linebacker...they could just call his position a SACKER lol.

He could roam and play at the line on rushing downs and out in the field on passing.


In my opinion he would make a great middle linebacker. Size does play a very big part in posistion placement but raw talent and skill can overcome that. If you play him in a lot of blitzing situations and QB spys he would probably make an outstanding linebacker.


Yeah, I asked this Q a while ago, I thought He would be better as a LB, But he is small to an LB, and Not quite fast enough to be a FS, SS is probably the best place for him. He can play close to the LOS, or in the middle open feild pretty well, which seems to be his best range.

Tyler M2008-07-16T13:58:49Z

Yes he is a hard hitter and watching him gets me confused with Linebackers.

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