Tic's on a dog?

My Brother has a dog they keep outside and they are having a bad tic probleum this year..Is there is there something We can put in a Dog's water/food to get rid of tics.


I just asked them about what they have tried ... They said I put the Forntline on her they spryed the yard and have tried the bath in the past 3 weeks??
could the tic's on her now be dead and just hainging on??
thanks everybody


Favorite Answer

front line treatment keeps ticks and fleas of dogs!
you apply the treatment to the back of the dog's neck.

i know fleas don't like garlic, you could try that!
good luck!


There is a wonderful topical treatment on the market, but no oral meds for tick prevention.
You'll need to apply Frontline Plus every 3-4 weeks for tick prevention. While other topicals might say they treat ticks, Frontline is the only Veterinarian approved topical that will kill the 4 most common types of ticks.
Ticks can pass certain diseases that can cause real problems with dogs. Erlichia, Lyme and Anaplasmosis are 3 of them. It would be wise, if he's already had a problem with ticks, to have a snap test done to make sure they haven't passed anything to him.
Make sure the Frontline is bought at a veterinary clinic so you can feel safe it's the real deal. Merial, the company that makes and distributes the product, ONLY sells to licensed veterinarians. If you buy it at pet meds or other online or retail stores, they either buy it from a vet that wasn't supposed to sell it to them or they buy it out of the company where the fda doesn't regulate like it does here. There have been problems with products like this that are bought from other countries. Also, the company will back it's product only if it's bought at a vets office.
Don't use Flea and Tick collars and don't use other flea products in conjunction with Frontline. It probably wouldn't hurt, but it's just not that wise.
Good Luck.
Good luck!!!


Best idia is to spray yard cut back all long grass and pine trees. use spot on treatments. Dip the pet if you fins any ticks. Remember theyare arachnids and unless what you are using kills them it will not kill ticks. If it ia a long haired dog a close clip would be a good idia. I know it wont look good but you can see the ticks this way and if there are some hiding it can be treated. You can get adams dip and dab the tick with it. or when you treat the yard send sparky to the groomer. You will need them out of the yard for a few hrs any ways.

Dr. Kurohiko2008-07-28T10:30:08Z

Try a tic coller. or tic spray. Frontline Plus has some things.

Aussie Mom : I'm sure its a big dog. Its neglect to keep a big dog inside where it has no room to run around and play.


Frontline is one of the best things to keep ticks off of a dog or cat. It is available @ a vet's office or online @ PetShed.com & other online stores. The stuff you can buy @ WalMart is just not as good. ( you part the fur between the dog's shoulders & apply the Frontline directly on the skin.- very easy to do)

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