Star Wars: Clone Wars movie?
Is anyone going to see the new Star Wars Clone Wars movie? The animation does look very different. This might reduce the amount of fans going to see it.
Is anyone going to see the new Star Wars Clone Wars movie? The animation does look very different. This might reduce the amount of fans going to see it.
Favorite Answer
I might go and see it. In the original clone wars animations the fight scenes were always faster and more intense than the films, the story is also very detailed and fills in the gaps to the movies. I would say its worth checking out, if the worst comes to the worst when your watching it complain that the people behind you are spoiling the film and ask for your money back (;
Honestly I don't think it will do quite as well. Hardcore fans may be turned off by the animated style. With the 6 star wars was need to watch them to get the whole story. This movie seems like it can be likened to an optional text field on an online form. You can fill it out if you want but you don't have to. For contrast, the other 6 movies are like required fields.
If You Ask Me I Am Not Goin TO See It The Real Star wars Were The Best
I think i'll pass. It looks like an older video game. I can play Lego Star Wars on my old Xbox...why bother?
Just Added: I noticed the SW fan club is here giving everyone a thumbs down if they say they won't go see it.
Fight back!!! I say thumbs up for not wanting to see this badly animated movie. If it's bad animation you want...Watch Charlie and Lola. You'll love it!
I don't think so (maybe when it gets to the $1 theater) as it is a cartoon type and I like the original Star Wars.