Is it possible to become a model if you're 5'0 or less?


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I have odels that are 4'8 but we use them for the face on beauty products and magazines as well. Who cares about the height if it is to sell a product.
We check for all the qualities a potential model has to offer, whether is is beauticul legs, beautiful hands, eyes, hair etc....

Height has nothing to do . When we sell a product, we find the right look and feature to market it. If you plan to do stage work. That is another issue but the money, is not there. It is better to get a percentage on selling 1 million bottles of a product or nail polish than do stage work.
Why ? Because, as long as the product sells, you get a certian percentage out of it.

Hope this helps.


Shannon R
is right - There are petite models

I modeled for a short time and I am only 5ft 6
there were women much shorter than me that were
getting plenty of modeling jobs at the agency that signed me

Also your height wont matter if you are doing Hair Shows,
Makeup modeling or jewelry modeling or anything commercial

Plus photographers have tricks to make you appear taller anyway
depending on the angles & the light
My portfolio shots made me appear almost 6ft tall - LOL
ok that is exaggerating a bit but I did look much much taller in my photos - atleast 5ft 9

Anyway dont let anyone tell you that it cant be done because it can
except for runway ofcourse unless there is a Petite Runway show
which there very well could be

Good luck


I would say yes. Maybe not for high fashion, but as the girl next door in things like ads for the hardware chains and the shopping girl in the dept stores. Find a niche and develop your book and strive for the look of the pretty girl next door!


Only if your legs are 2 feet long. I have never known ANY model who wasn't tall and thin and my mother had been a fashion model, so I had a chance to see a lot of very pretty, tall and thin women when I was a child

Shannon R.2008-07-31T17:58:18Z

Yes, as a petite model. Someone needs to show short people like me what we'll look like in petite clothes.

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