Can anybody help me come up with a weight loss/getting in shape plan?

I'm 15 years old, 5'9'', 175 lbs. Not huge, but a little chubby, little bit of a belly, noticeable on my face, but most noticeable is the manboob area when I wear smaller shirts. School starts in about 5 weeks, and I hear it's safe to lose about 2 pounds a week. So my goal for school is 165, and my end goal is 150ish, unless I start muscle training too in which I don't really care about the number just looks. I plan on eating 6 small meals a day, running as much as I possibly can every day, and lifting weights one day, pushups/situps/pullups/etc. the next, then weights, and so on and so forth. Any other tips? Like what size weights I should start with, how many reps/sets, etc.? :D


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hello :] here are my tips that i give a lot of people and ive been getting best answers so okay here u go i hope i help u kk! :) g luck by the way!

here are mine,,,karen b... my tips :D im only 14 but its summer u know and im trying to get slimmer for back to school

#1 thing is have good self-esteem and keep telling yourself your a beautiful person .
#2 cut off about 300 calories a day, thats as easy as taking out 2 cans of soda or chips and soda or brownies or cookies or think of anything junky you eat and look at how many calories it is.
#3 to go along with diet: whenever im tempted to eat sumthing junky i look at how many calories it is and just like put it back down in disgust. :] im on the same page as u i am tryin to lose weight right now 2!
#4 go outside and walk/jog with your friends.
#5 try out a new sport
#6 join ur gym
#7 eat tons of fruits+veggies
#8 whatever u do, try and get a diet/fitness buddy its always good to have somone there to deal with the pain with u and to reassure u and to keep u motivated :]]] goodluck!!! ♥♥♥


energize plain tasting proteins such as eggs or chicken with metabolism boosting chili pepper sauce


Hitting the gym is important for weight loss


Sleep in a cold room Sleeping in a cold room is a best way to force your body to heat itself up for hours


people who eat breakfast have a better shot at losing and maintaining weight loss

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