What exactly do you think the government should do inregards to Anthropogenic Global Warming?
No, I've not changed my mind. I'm just curious on what you think the government could do that the private sector isn't already doing.
Benjamin - That is an incredible list of ideas!
The only one I disagree with is:
"Taxes or carbon charges on fossil fuels"
I feel the government wastes tax dollars as it is, so to give them an idea to take even more taxes I'm completely against.
"Improved crop and grazing land management to increase soil carbon storage." - Wouldn't this be something farmers should be implementing themselves? So how would the government implement something like this?
"Restoration of degraded lands; reforestation; forest management; reduced deforestation." - I love this one!!
QCNP58 - How do you think we could do this? "Enhance natural carbon sinks."
This was something I was thinking about myself that's why I asked some questions in regards to cultivating things that absorb CO2.
hebe00 - Do you really want that much government control of your daily life? What would you think if they did that and than we find out that CO2 really isn't the culbrit after all? Or that we (I meant the world with this we) do lower our CO2 emissions to next to nil and the CO2 in our atmosphere still continues to increase?
Dana - I need to do more research on Cap and trade. I feel I should know more about what that is, since the guy I had lived with for fifteen years talked about it, since he watched alot of finacial programs.
James - You've mentioned "solar power stations in orbit" before and I'm trying to wrap my mind around the concept. Part of my problem is if these solar power stations are in space, how do we get the energy to the consumer?
I know how a satelite television gets it's signal. I understand how radios get their signal and how the signal on a celular phone works, but wouldn't we need more than a signal to get the energy we are collecting from the sun to people on the planet?
Hannah's Grandpa - Great ideas! I especially love this idea: "Build bike lanes along major highways." - If I had something like that right now, I'd be able to ride a bike to work, since I only live six miles away from my place of employment. But I don't have viable bike route.
(If I worked downtown I would though, since there's an excellent bike path along a railroad track that lead's to downtown Minneapolis about a half mile from the apartment complex I live in.)
Bob - It's nice to know you like the idea of encouragement over taxation.
BB - I fully understand what your saying, since I feel the same way. But what I'm learning from some of these answers are some great ideas for possible government regulations. So if they look more at implementing some new regulations that they feel could help our environment I wouldn't object to that.
Like automobile manufacturers needing to build more fuel efficient vehicles.
Better regulations to make apartment compex replace appliances for more energy efficient appliances.
Don - I ask you to really think about what you are suggesting. If we restrict both the amount of oil we pump out of our oil wells and the amount we import that will cause gas prices to increase even more. That will also cause essential items - Food and Clothing - prices to increase.
You all are giving such good answers that I'm going to have a very hard time choosing a best answer. I wish I could award more than one answerer best answer for this question, but since I can't I want you all to know that all your answers were great and I feel the answer community will learn a lot from reading these answers.