Does anyone remember Strohs Signature beer?
I really enjoyed it and now that it's not made anymore I haven't found it's equal. Does anyone know which beer now has the similar texture and flavor as Signature?
I really enjoyed it and now that it's not made anymore I haven't found it's equal. Does anyone know which beer now has the similar texture and flavor as Signature?
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I remember Stroh's, but it really wasn't my brand, I would sample some of the micro-brewery stuff, I have found a wide variety of flavors and textures even within one brewery's different offerings, plus it is a pretty good excuse to sit around and drink beer all day.
Stroh's was known for its amusing "Alex the Dog" commercials, where Alex would fetch a Stroh's from the refrigerator for its owner. One commercial ended with Alex lapping a liquid after pouring two glasses of Stroh's, with his owner yelling "Alex, that had better be your water you're drinking!". There was a reference to "Alex from Stroh's" in the 1989 hit single Funky Cold Medina by rapper Tone Loc. I loved Alex, they should have done more adverts with him.
I do!! And I loved it. Had that wide bottle. It was so long ago that I don't have a vivid memory of the flavor, but I believe it was a lager that had good flavor. Not to be negative in any way toward Sam Adams (my favorite brewer), but the Signature, as I recall, was similar to their Boston Lager (not as bold, though). You may enjoy Sam's Boston lager, or their Octoberfest or Winter Lager (two of my fave's).