i have a question on boys and flirting

im a flirt and i flirt alot with boys i dont like i can talk to them and have them wantin my attention but once i start likeing one i seem not to be able to talk and i dont know how to flirt anymore so plese give me advice on what to do once i start likeing a boy


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askin him qs about himself, i.e his interests, what he does 4 fun, etc

.-hey..pplsx dhiss..!kiirah!2008-08-05T03:49:13Z

for one thing just be yourself im sure that boy will be very interested in u and if u flirt 2 much ur just being a slut and if u like a boy find out if he likes u and play hard 2 get he will be all over u girl be your self it works for me.


when you flirt too much with a lot of guys, it kinda ruins your "reputation"

take it easy and just be yourself


boys are easy. just say ,"hey, your taking me out on a date. you have 2 hours to think about it."


Play "hard to get"

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