quick answer about Grand Canyon please! South Rim area lodging... cheap!

My son will be entering Grand Canyon area, South Rim, at night and would rather stay in a cheap hotel near the canyon that night before starting to camp in tent. The only lodging I can find is expensive hotels IN the canyon. What is a hotel close (doesn't have to be REALLY close) that might not be so expensive?


coming from east - Missouri (will be coming in on 40 West)


Favorite Answer

His best choice would be to spend the night in Flagstaff which has literally thousands of rooms in every quality level and price range imaginable.
Basically what he can do is set a price -point and then find lodging to match that point
Where's he coming from?
Update :
Here's a small sample of what's available
Here's another site


Cheapest round trip Anaheim ca to Las Vegas

Punk Rock and Minerals2008-08-05T17:33:13Z

There are a few hotels outside the park in the town of Tusayan. I don't remember the cost though


under a a tree in a tent