Time of Day for OPK?

I've been TTC for 18months and tried OPK's when I was on Clomid about a year ago. Not one test in three cycles was positive. I'm thinking I might have started & stopped testing too early in my cycle since most doctors tell you to start on CD10 I probably quit by the time I ovulated near CD 20-21.

Now that my cycle has been more consistent I'm going to give the OPK's another shot. I'd like to test once a day, what time of day do you think would be the most accurate to catch the surge?

Anyone else have trouble getting OPKs to work for them?


Thanks for your answers ladies!!! The website was helpful and suggested I start on CD15....coming up soon. Thanks again =)


Favorite Answer

Firstly, you should buy a very sensitive OPK. You have many OPKs available in the market but the best ones are those which have the sensitivity of 20 mIU/ml. (Don't buy if it is greater than 20 mlU/ml). I bought mine from babywishes.org and I tested on 12th day. It detected the LH surge in the first test itself. They are really good. If you buy them in bulk you get them very cheap. You can also compare your results with the pictures which are posted on their websites or you can mail them your pictures or queries. Their service is excellent.

Secondly, you should test at least twice a day. This is very important. If you test only once a day there is a chance that you could miss the LH surge. You can read in the below link- how LH surge can be missed if you test only once in a day (FAQ 12). That is why I bought OPKs in bulk (I bought 100 of them!!) so that I don't run out of them. Start testing twice a day from day 8 itself and continue testing till you spot the LH surge. This way you are not going to miss the surge.

For more details, visit this link. It has excellent information on Ovulation and OPKs.


Best wishes!!

~Mommy of 1~2008-08-07T10:24:02Z

There is an answer brand OPK that comes with 20 test strips. You have to pee in the little cup provided and dip the strip in it for a few seconds. It's only $20 so it runs about the same as similar tests with way more days. This helps if you're not sure when you could be ovulating since you have a bigger window to find out. The directions say that mid-day is the best time to do the test each day to avoid a false positive from concentrated FMU. I wish you all the best!