why am i still sitting here?

and not on my 954RR heading to 1st Thursday's bike-night in south Minneapolis. Sun is out and perfect riding weather. I'm actually gonna shut this thing off and go in a couple minutes, so should I join up and go on a small group ride after? The only reason not to is getting busted by cops (again) on late-night 'death ride'. Do you think I should chance it or be a puss. I can usaully get away with anything (wheelies, speed, stunts, etc) but when in these groups (up to 60 ) there is HUGE chance of getting busted.

For all of you safety-freaks, save me the lecture and don't respond. Cuz I'm that guy doing the 90 MPH wheelie past you on the hwy. So save the squid talk cuz I got 44,000 mi. on current bike and every one of those (save the 1st 500 or so for break in) was ridden in that manner, so I know what I'm doin.


I can't help but laugh at all the "do gooders" who want to lecture like they are so mature and safety minded. Even though they can't set down the cheese burger and cell phone to use their bilnker in the SUV.

ymmot ton2008-08-07T21:40:27Z

Favorite Answer

No cheese burger, no cel phone, no bilnker[whatever THAT is],No S.U.V.
YOU are either Mags, or a supreme @-hole!
OR...IF you ARE Magz...you are both!

Big Daddy2008-08-07T23:44:18Z

im not a fan of riding w large groups..however, the larger the group, the better your chances of not getting busted are...

the dudley do rights are gonna pull over, thats when you just gun it and get the hell outta there....

60 is too big, too much room for someone else to smack you

dont get cocky...ive rode since i was 5 (something gas powered w 2 wheels, dirt, street, track ,etc) and it can be any day that some jerkoff takes you out...just keep your spidey sense on!

id go....i would break out in a smaller 6-10 pack ride, with people you know very well and know their riding style. dont get stuck with some squid whos gonna drift into your lane on a turn, or something stupid!


Try this, every time you make this trip try to increase your speed by 10MPH. You know, pass me doing a 90MPH wheelie, then a 100MPH wheelie, 110 MPH, 120 MPH etc. You say you know what you're talking about, so it must be the truth. I can't imagine any body talking like that just to get attention. So, turn the wick up , big boy.
44K? I see you've only had the bike a few months,huh?


I don't own an SUV and don't eat burgers and 44K on a bike just shows you don't ride much.

Guys who actually ride recklessly give a black eye to everyone on two wheels.
They're the reason more states are passing oppressive motorcycle laws. You're not some romantic hooligan, just a smoke blowing delinquent. I'm always a little relieved when one of yours finally goes "zip-splat" because even though it attracts negative attention, it gets one more idiot off the road.

Firecracker .2008-08-08T01:49:19Z

No safety lecture from me.
Just want to say thanks for being a donkey's brother.
I don't care how you ride. I do care that the morons who don't ride make laws based on the way you ride.

After October 1st, if you lift a wheel in Florida say good bye to your bike.
No, I don't live there, and now I won't visit either.

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