why gas prices fall right before elections in the US?
Gas prices have begun their predictable fall prior to November's elections. Even though Russia is bombing Georgia right in the heart of oil and pipeline country. If an election weren't on the horizon, this type of "uncertainty" would cause gas prices to soar.
I think it is pretty obvious that the people who control the gas/oil prices don't want voters to be thinking about gas prices when they vote.
Never forget that Big Oil and the GOP have picked our pockets! They are betting that we have no long term memories!
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You are correct. Politicians hope that voters have short memories. Studies have proven that most voters have memories only about a year long. Some demand is blamed on the "summer driving season", and the retooling of refineries to produce winter and summer blends of gasoline. However, inflation due to records deficit spending by the present regime is the primary cause of the rise in oil prices (and the subsequent rise in everything shipped by truck) and the devaluation of the dollar worldwide. Demand has nothing to do with that. And don't forget, inflation is a tax on all those who work for wages and salaries, and don't hold wealth in the form of stocks and bonds and real estate.
Why blame the Politicians. We keep voting the same ills in because of amnesia. I remember at the start that these big money swipers of higher gas prices confessed to making huge profits. Now they keep their mouths shut and let others take their blame.
If it is all Bush, Why is Exxon, Mobil, and Chevron donating huge to obama? Expalin exactly how you believe the GOP controls oils prices? Your democratic congress has more to do with oil prices than the GOP has has done nothing to reduce the price at the pump.