Which Dollar store carries HPT's?

Is it Dollar Tree? There are several different ones around us but wanted to be sure before I go on a cheapie hunt. Also I'm on day 33 of my cycle (average is 30) so they should work right? Dr did a blood test the 4th which was negative but I was only 6DPO..


Favorite Answer

Dollar Tree tests ae the best you can get!
The brand is called 'New Choice'.

wife and mommy2008-08-14T20:04:01Z

most dollar stores have them. I know for sure the Dollar Tree and Dollar General have them. I think now would be a good time to try, but if it comes out negative, don't give up till you see your period!

Also, a lot of the dollar stores keep them behind the counter, so you may have to ask for them.


Good luck.


They should work! I got mine @ dollar tree and @ family dollar. They also have them @ dollar General. Family dollar and dollar general have to different kinds of pregnancy test. the dollar ones and there are four dollar ones. Good Luck and God Bless!!


Dollar tree here is the only dollar store that carries them.


try dollar general they have $1,$2 and etc. good luck

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