To all Harry Potter fans... your opinions on this TERRIBLE news please:?

The Half Blood Prince Movie has been pushed back to July 09

I am so unbelievably mad at Warner Brothers right now. I actually cried when I found out. I am now trembling and I feel sick.....

And before anybody suggests - there is no way that this can be a joke. Anybody who knows the guys at TLC knows they would not joke about something like this.

The thing is - Warner Brothers must have known for ages that it wouldn't be finished on time. They could have warned us before now - before the teaser trailer came out - before all our excitement reached this level. I feel this is a BAD decision on their part, but this is purely my opinion.

Now I would like to know yours. Fans and non-fans, please answer.

How did you react when you found out? How do you feel about WB now? How are you going to cope for the extra months? How well/badly do you think WB have been in releasing this information to the world?

And, perhaps the most worrying question of all:
What about the Twilighters? :S

PS: Please star this question so your contacts will notice it!


Twilighters = hardcore Twilight fans

I'm a bit worried that they'll just rub the whole thing in our face once they get their 'amazing' Twilight movie. But I could be wrong.... I hope I am!


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Firstly, the main reason it has been pushed back till 17th July 09 is because more ticket sales and money will be brought in during the Summer due to family's and no school etc.

I am so UNBELIEVABLY upset/disappointed/angry/crushed that words cannot describe how I feel right now. I actually cried trying to retain the fact I'll have to wait another almost 8 MONTHS to see the film. I text all my friends in despair as soon as I found out! I even called my mum at work.. :$.

And another thing that annoyed me MORE is I asked a question about other fans upset about this situation, I got losers commenting me like 'read the book.' Well, Im sorry, but what fan of the HP series doesn't watch the films as well? We are die hard fans you idiots!

I'm finding it hard not to be mad at WB, but I can't even use the excuse 'everything happens for a reason' because the only reason released is about money & ticket sales, but I KNOW that whatever month HP is released it will be a top movie. The one advantage of all this is if the premiere is pushed back to July too then we can all bombard the beautiful Rupert Grint, Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe at the summer premiere because we don't have to be at school! :)

I am REALLY depressed though. It is nice to know ome people share my Harry Potter pain! :(


AAAAH!!! In the US it only opens July 17th! You have no idea how pissed off I am at the people at Warner Brothers! Okay, last year the movie was supposed to come out on my birthday, how cool right???, and then they changed the date! Now, this year, they release the trailer and tease us, and then they change the date to like over half a year later! WHAT THE HECK!!!!

They need to get their story straight. They just want more money, so they are opening it the same weekend that the Batman movie opened, *cuz it made tons of money* UGHHHH. I am pissed.

And you are right about the Twilighters, they will rub it in Harry's face! I am sorry, JK rowling beats Stephenie Meyer by so much.


That is really annoying. How could they delay it THAT long? They shouldn't have given us an early date if they were going to have to delay it by more than 6 months. Just because they will have better profits then. jeez. You're right, they would've done a better job. But maybe they think people won't notice/care because all the books are out. But seriously, WB needs to cater more to the fans.

The only good thing for me is that I would've wanted to see it at midnight and I wouldn't have been able to that day but still- one day later is much better than HALF A YEAR!
I'm much more of a harry potter fan than of twilight (though I do lenjoy the books a lot) so I don't really care that the release for twilight is only one month earlier.


really sucks i was excited to see it... but atleast ill have time to read the half blood prince again before it comes out so i can find all the stuff they left out and changed ( i hate them for that ) i just started the order of pheonix again the other day. theres already a bunch of movies i know i want to see next summer so theres gonna be alot of competition for them with other big stuff coming out. and if you ask me the teaser wasn't that good. it barley had any thing in it and didn't give
you a look at the cool parts like the 5th movie did. i cant really blame WB because they gotta do what they gotta do.... im not to shocked i will cope the extra months by not thinking about it and focusing on school.

looks like alot of harry P haters out there... oh well. i wish i could do magic.... that would make my life.


I know I found out I was like "WHATT!!!!".....However, I don't think that it is b/c the movie wasn't finished on time... they're probably trying to take advantage of a different release time so that they may earn more money.
I think that it would have been better that they told fans about it before they released the trailer... that point I agree with.
I'm not furious at WB... more like disappointed. On a positive note, there would be something to look forward to after this year's Christmas and somewhat boring January, February

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