For everyone all over the world, do you do community services and why?

There are many reasons for different people, some examples are these:

1) the recognition in their community,
2) the tax exemptions for their companies,
3) because it makes them feel good to help others,
4) because they had to repay a debt to society,
5) to honor their county, state, country, etc,
6) in support for the program or cause

Why do you do it?

Please be thoughtful and reflective about the reasons that compel you to participate in a community service.


Favorite Answer

For me it has been a way of life. I was a Scout back in the 60' and 70's. I worked in Law Enforcement for 15 years and was a volunteer EMT and firefighter. Now, as a Freemason, we help out in our town with may different activities. I have learned that it gives you a great feeling when you help those who need it.


Because I need to graduate from high school