What is Barack Obama's annual income?

I mean, really... can this man seriously expect us to believe he lives like the "common man"?


I'd just like to know why when you ask a simple question (i.e. "Is Bill Clinton a pig?"), you can't get an intelligent answer from some people, whose only response seems to be dodging the question with yet another smokescreen ("Well, Bob Dole had sex...")

Bottom line – Senator Obama made four million dollars more than I did last year, so I'm not buying his ridiculous attempts to make "rich" people look like greedy tax dodgers. Try having a spine and speaking the truth, buddy!


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Approximately $4,000,000.

McCain's is approximately $450,000. McCain's wife receives about $4 mil from the Annheiser-Busch company her family owns.


Obama turned down offers from some of the nations best law firms to become a community organizer. He was the Editor of the Harvard Law Review. A pipeline to a seat on the Supreme court, or to make millions on Wall Street.

Pretty much like being the #1 law school draft pick in the entire country. Or top of your class at West Point. In case you didn't know this. It's the single most prestigious credential a law student can have from America's most prestigious school.

He's made money recently 2007 only, because he wrote a few best-selling books. He was never rich. His wife was never rich. His family was never rich. He turned his back on everything people would salivate for money wise.

He is NOTHING like the rest of the Senate.


Sort of.... "To support the claim, the McCain campaign has pointed to two votes Obama made on budget resolutions, one in March 2008 and another in June 2008. Problem is, neither of these votes actually raised taxes, nor were they expected to. Instead, the votes approved budget resolutions, which are blueprints for the federal budget. The resolutions set targets for the committees that write legislation on taxes and spending. Obama joined Democrats on what were largely party-line votes, expressing the desire to roll back the Bush tax cuts in order to fund popular programs. The tax cuts would have been rescinded on people making about $42,000 and higher. The McCain campaign is correct that Obama voted for the measures, which expressed approval for tax increases. But it's inaccurate to suggest votes on nonbinding budget resolutions, which don't have the force of law and don't include precise details on taxes or spending, are the same as votes on legislation that sets policy. The statement also suggests that Obama as president would favor tax increases for incomes of $42,000. He does not. Obama's tax proposals are crafted so that tax increases hit those couples $250,000 or more a year, or $200,000 for singles. He also proposes a $1,000 tax credit on income for working families ($500 for singles)."

Kerbachard! -El Wapo™ ©2008-08-21T20:20:08Z

The Obamas reported a household income of $4.2 million in 2007, a substantial jump from their roughly $1 million in income in 2006.

Book Sales Lifted Obamas’ Income in 2007 to a Total of $4.2 Million

laurie p2008-08-21T20:30:47Z

Who cares what Obama and McCain Make.I make less than 150.000 per year so that means I get a nice big tax cut if I vote for Obama.Note:For all the rest of you making over 250,000 a year.Vote for John McCain,he`s on your side.
P.S. please don`t forget to trickle down

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