Why do people who know little about Obama still vote for him?

I'm curious why you think people may vote for Obama (or for McCain) w/o doing the prior research. I'm interested in knowing whether people think there vote is insignificant and that thorough research is simply a waste of time. Just curious.


Thanks so much for your comments. It is greatly helpful.

Southern Lady Anita2008-08-21T21:34:06Z

Favorite Answer

They actually believe his nonsense that he will take money from the rich and give it to them. They are being deceived and they don't even realize it. It's very sad. They also believe McCain is a 3rd term Bush and if you really look at Obama's stance right now, he is more like Bush than McCain is.

God Bless America and Her People!
God Bless Our Brave Troops!

Vote Smart!
Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;
Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

United We Stand, Divided We Fall!

"Peace is the gift of life.
War is the keeper of peace.
Sometimes we must keep the Peace."
-Saying Among the Sioux


Because they are followers and are completely uneducated as to what is taken place. Most democrats are only democrats because that is what their parents were so they just follow in their same shoe's. Obama is an excellent speaker and that is about all that he has going for him. I think they need to speak on a different level and re-phrase everything so that the young people can clearly understand what is going on. I also think we need to do away with the democratic an republican parties, kick everyone out of congress and start over it has become nothing more then a game to see which party will win especially with congress what ever happen to doing what was best for the country. Congress is already a big part of our downfall. Remember these presidents can't do much of anything without congress's approval.So, if you have a republican president and the democrats hold congress nothing will get done that term and vice verse

Just Me2008-08-22T05:01:39Z

Because ... MOST ... JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama Supporters do NOT care about his ideals and policies ... they JUST WANT AN AFRICAN AMERICAN as President !!!

I have NO problem voting for an African American or a woman or any other minorty as long as they are the BEST PERSON for the position !!!

JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is NOT the BEST person to be OUR President of THE United States of America !!

JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is ANTI-American.

JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama wants to END WORLD POVERTY on ... OUR NICKEL AND SURRENDER THE United States ... to THE United Nations.
Please, search the ...

Global Poverty Act (S.2433), ... and it is being sponsored by none other than JUNIOR U. S. Senator Barack Obama.
JUNIOR U. S. Senator Obama did NOT complete his FIRST term in office !!
... with just 143 days of ACTUAL experience
... HE decided
... that he DESERVED to be THE President of THE United States of America !!!
JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama, the Unions, and the Democrats are sending messages to big business to downsize in America and send more jobs to foreign countries.

Brilliant ideas from JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama, the Democrats and the Unions (SARCASM) !!!!


I didn't know much about either McCain or Obama.

I'm voting for Obama after thoroughly researching the two and listening to them. Obama will be an outstanding leader. McCain is dangerous and narrow.


Vote Obama. McCain sucks.

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