Has Obama's choice of Biden changed anyone's opinion of Obama?


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Yep .... he put the ultimate in Washington insiders on the ticket, and while I absolutely understand the politics behind his decision, it still doesn't marry up with all of his banging on about changing the way politics is done in Washington ... for me (and for his his talk of 'change') picking Biden confirmed once and for all that Obama really is just another politician!

Craig G2008-08-25T14:37:41Z

No. In my eyes Obama is still just as inexperienced, and just because you give Biden, who's been in Washington for 36 years, the vp position, doesn't get rid of the fact that Obama is still inexperienced. I'm an Obama supporter, but as of now I'm not happy of the way he's handling Hillary Clinton supporters. He doesn't realize that he needs them to win.

Sassy One2008-08-25T14:31:43Z

I would have stayed with Obama regardless. But my 80 year old aunt is now convinced that Obama is the right choice for President.


Nope. Been with Obama from the get go. Now dissect yourself from the lying Libertopians and you'll be much better off.


Well it just proves that the whole Hope and Change thing was just a catch phrase, I had my doubts about him now I know for sure he is just an empty suit.

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